Love Is Sweet (半是蜜糖半是伤) is a 36-episode romance drama with a bit of comedy to lighten the mood. It has garnered pretty high ratings and views by now. Hence, I’m having pretty high expectations on this one. Hopefully, it would not disappoint me. I’m also looking forward to watching Leo Luo again after And The Winner Is Love to see how he will stack up against a versatile actress in Bai Lu. Anyway, the episode summary is as follows and the Love Is Sweet review will also be posted soon.
Contents Table
Episode 1
Jiang Jun attends an interview at MH, a top investment company. But she gets rejected by the Executive Director, Yuan Shuai, despite performing well. Yuan Shuai and Jiang Jun know each other from childhood. Jiang Jun is allergic to tears and Yuan Shuai made a deal with her father to keep her safe in return for a monthly payment during their schooldays. Hence, Jiang Jun doesn’t have a good impression of Yuan Shuai and dislikes him.
Yuan Shuai rejects Jiang Jun’s application because he thinks the stressful investment banking environment is unsuitable for someone who can’t shed tears like her. He messages her to tell her that it is for her own good and recommends her another job. But Jiang Jun blocks him instead.
Yuan Shuai manages to defeat Du Lei in a deal. Du Lei is the Executive Director of GE which is MH’s rival. Qiao Na is a Vice President of MH and carries a torch for Yuan Shuai. However, the feelings are unrequited. Jiang Jun’s good friend, Xu Li, manages to get Jiang Jun into a cocktail party for a chance to meet Lin Tai Mo who is another Vice President of MH.
Past History
During the cocktail party, Jiang Jun gets to know Du Lei. Xu Li tries to gain revenge on Yuan Shuai by claiming that she is his abandoned girlfriend. Yuan Shuai turns things around and announces that his girlfriend is Jiang Jun who runs away from the commotion. He chases after her. They quarrel as she blames him for stealing her speech write-up back in school. She ended up crying and fainting on stage due to the tears and had to transfer to another school. Jiang Jun also insists that she will work at MH.
Yuan Shuai puts his coat around Jiang Jun as she seems cold. He tries to drag her back with him. Their lips touch when he pulls her to him as she trips. The reporters are snapping their photos before Yuan Shuai demands that they back off. Jiang Jun has fainted due to her tears. Yuan Shuai carries her away. Her hair clip falls and is picked up by Du Lei.
Episode 2
Yuan Shuai sends Jiang Jun to the hospital. He uses her phone to add back his contact and messages Xu Li. He also sends a message from her phone that says that she is sorry for deleting him.
Jiang Jun dreams of being bullied by Yuan Shuai during their schooldays. When she awakes, she is shocked at the message that she had supposedly sent to Yuan Shuai. The photo of her kissing him has also appeared online. Fortunately, it only shows her side although her hair clip is visible. Qiao Na is in a bad mood and doesn’t allow the staff to gossip. Yuan Shuai’s personal assistant, Su Chang, could guess that his boss is interested in Jiang Jun.
Jiang Jun returns the coat to Yuan Shuai. She is still determined to work at MH despite failing the test Yuan Shuai gives her. Jiang Jun sees Yuan Shuai as a bully since their schooldays. Yuan Shuai convinces Jiang Jun’s landlady to evict Jiang Jun by paying her a much higher rental. Then, he arranges for an agent to lease Jiang Jun the apartment next door to his at a much lower market rate. Jiang Jun ends up being his neighbor. Yuan Shuai is still keeping all their past photos and the puppy they found in the past.
Jiang Jun manages to get into a restricted library when she bumps into Du Lei. She wants to meet Tai Mo there. Jiang Jun convinces Tai Mo to hire her. Du Lei and Tai Mo seem to know each other. Xu Li quits her job after fighting with a client. Her dream is to write novels and she sees a good-looking man which fits her ideal hero at the convenience store. Jiang Jun is annoyed that Yuan Shuai is her neighbor.
Episode 3
Yuan Shuai learns that Tai Mo has recommended Jiang Jun to join MH. Yuan Shuai plans to make her quit voluntarily. Shen Xin and Chen Yi Cheng are not happy with Jiang Jun as they think she got employed through connections. Xiang Ding advises her to ignore them.
Yuan Shuai reminds Jiang Jun that she is allowed only 3 mistakes during her probation. He orders her to do a due diligence on Kelang Pharmacy. Xu Li starts work at the convenience store as her dream guy comes by regularly to use the internet.
Jiang Jun is at the library to do her research. Du Lei pretends to bump into her there. He offers to help her with her report and introduces himself as a trainer in the investment banking circle. Du Lei lends her his umbrella when they leave. Linda picks up Du Lei. She is Du Lei’s mentor and knows he had helped Jiang Jun to meet Tai Mo.
Yuan Shuai fails Jiang Jun’s first task. Her due diligence on Kelang Pharmacy fails to uncover that the company’s Chairman, Deng Ke, had transferred assets into his personal account. Jiang Jun’s next task is to find out the personnel who have been fired because they know too much. She manages to corner Deng Ke to allow them access to the personnel files in their archive room. But Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai get locked out as Deng Ke had ordered his staff to switch off the power in the room.
Coincidentally, Jiang Jun has her menses and is feeling unwell. Yuan Shuai ties his coat around her waist. They manage to find the switch and get out. While leaving, Yuan Shuai kneels down and ties Jiang Jun’s loosened shoelaces like how he used to do when they were kids.
Episode 4
Jiang Jun falls asleep during the car ride home. Yuan Shuai still feels that the job is unsuitable for her. He stops by the convenience store to buy her sanitary napkins and a thermos flask filled with hot beverage. Yuan Shuai recognizes Xu Li at the cashier. She is forced to agree to his terms to avoid trouble for claiming to be his girlfriend at the cocktail party.
Yuan Shuai waits for Jiang Jun to wake up. He claims that he is only finishing up on his work. Back home, Xu Li is amazed that Yuan Shuai had bought all those napkins for Jiang Jun.
Jiang Jun looks for Kelang Pharmacy’s ex-employee, Li Xiang. She tries to convince him to tell the truth about Deng Ke. Li Xiang refuses at first but subsequently agrees. Yuan Shuai informs Fan Qi Chang, the Managing Director of the Securities Investment Department, that they need to remove Deng Ke from the board of Kelang Pharmacy due to his embezzlement history.
Li Xiang plays Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai out as he turns out to be an unreliable witness. Yuan Shuai asks Mr. Fan for 2 days to settle the matter. Qiao Na wants Jiang Jun to resign for her carelessness. Du Lei learns from Linda that the intern involved in the Kelang Pharmacy case is Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai has made an error of judgement because of her.
Yuan Shuai doesn’t want Jiang Jun to take the blame for him for the case. She vows to carry on and tells Yuan Shuai that he should get to know her again as the past Jiang Jun is different from the present one. Jiang Jun talks to her late father that she has got into MH and will remain strong.
Episode 5
Xu Li tries to persuade Jiang Jun to change job. Du Lei contacts Jiang Jun about her job at MH and asks her to go out for a meal. He offers to be her teacher. Yuan Shuai sees her going out at night and messages her. He doesn’t want to appear caring and hence, the message has a sarcastic tone to it. Yuan Shuai then waits at his balcony for Jiang Jun to return home. He sees a man sending her home in a car and she has a flower which is actually a compliment from the restaurant. Yuan Shuai assumes she has been out on a date.
Yuan Shuai threatens Li Xiang to tell him the truth or he will report to the authorities that Deng Ke has bribed him. At the same time, Jiang Jun figures out that Deng Ke has manipulated the personnel files and the real insider is someone else. Yuan Shuai has already found out who he is from Li Xiang. He orders Jiang Jun to delay the signing of the agreement with Deng Ke which is scheduled in the afternoon.
The insider is Lin He and he is an avid car racer. Yuan Shuai challenges him to a race. He wins and Lin He agrees to become a witness. They arrive just in time to prevent the signing. Jiang Jun thanks Yuan Shuai for helping her to stay at MH and offers to treat him dinner. He brings her to a noodle shop as the taste is similar to the meals her father used to prepare for them. Yuan Shuai also apologizes for the speech incident back in school. He explains to Jiang Jun that he mistook her speech for the love letter she wrote for a boy.
Episode 6
Yuan Shuai claims that he wanted to steal the love letter to prevent her from getting rejected and crying. Jiang Jun also tells Yuan Shuai that she now has a teacher to help her in her job. After dinner, Yuan Shuai drags Jiang Jun to take a photo in a photo booth shop. He pulls her hair and snaps the photo of them. He wants this particular snapshot because it is similar to a photo they once took during their schooldays.
Yuan Shuai admits to Su Chang that his judgement on Jiang Jun’s suitability in the industry is based on his past impression and he needs to rediscover her. He also seems jealous of her new teacher. Su Chang advises Yuan Shuai to pay more attention to her if he doesn’t want her to accept someone else.
Yuan Shuai pretends to be sick to get Jiang Jun over to take care of him. He gets her to read him a book with an erotic passage to play a prank on her. She turns the tables on him and gets close to him as she reads. Yuan Shuai asks her to stop and gives her permission to leave as he begins to feel uncomfortable.
Xu Li gathers up her courage to ask her dream guy to exchange contact. His name is Li Xiao Chuan and he is designing a dating site. Xu Li is delighted when he asks her out for a meal. Yuan Shuai finds out from Xu Li that Jiang Jun’s teacher is Du Lei. Du Lei has brought Jiang Jun out to make perfume to relieve stress. Yuan Shuai waits for them to come back and confronts Du Lei.
Episode 7
Yuan Shuai warns Jiang Jun not to let others to take advantage of her as Du Lei has not been honest. Du Lei is trying on the tie that Jiang Jun bought for him. Linda thinks it is ugly. She is a little tipsy and wants them to willingly share their secrets like in the past. Du Lei brushes her off. Linda reminds him about their father’s upcoming birthday.
Jiang Jun messages Du Lei to inform him that she can’t be his student anymore. Xiao Chuan treats Xu Li dinner to get her to answer a questionnaire for his app. Yuan Shuai is absorbing the 4 new analysts into his team to work on the Wanxing Entertainment IPO. Jiang Jun discovers that a trainee has been bullied in the toilet during a visit to see the new CEO, Wan Shan. She drinks with the security guards to find out about the company’s secrets and learns that Wan Shan has been having flings with his artistes.
Yuan Shuai is exasperated that Jiang Jun is drinking. He drags her out of there. She scolds him for disrupting her information gathering. Yuan Shuai carries a drunken Jiang Jun home. They quarrel outside her door as Yuan Shuai is shrewdly trying to get into her home. He wants to register his fingerprint onto her door lock.
Xu Li and Xiao Chuan walk back together. She purposely breaks her high heels to get him to hold her. But Xiao Chuan doesn’t get the message. He buys her a pair of plastic slippers after getting back to the store. Yuan Shuai is questioning Jiang Jun about her report. She claims Wanxing has disciplinary problems. They are arguing and leaning close to face each other. Qiao Na walks in and icily stares at Jiang Jun.
Episode 8
Du Lei attends his father’s birthday banquet with Linda. He has a bad relationship with his father whom he thinks treats him as a substitute. Du Lei meets Wan Shan during the banquet and introduces himself.
Xu Li tells Jiang Jun that Qiao Na will start picking on her for being seen close to Yuan Shuai. The prediction comes true and Jiang Jun tries to avoid Yuan Shuai as much as she can which leaves him flustered. He waits for her to get home and instigates her to draw to let out her anger. They end up drawing a wolf and sheep to depict themselves.
Jiang Jun bumps into Du Lei again. Shen Xin sees them together and anonymously sends their picture to Yuan Shuai who warns her again that she is inviting trouble. Jiang Jun soothes his anger by sending him a love sign to make him smile. Qiao Na is not happy to hear from Shen Xin that Jiang Jun has spent time in Yuan Shuai’s office.
Jiang Jun looks for Tang Xin, the trainee who was bullied. She relates to Jiang Jun that Wan Shan had sexually taken advantage of her and forwards to Jiang Jun a recording of Wan Shan’s sexual demands. On the way back, Jiang Jun senses that she is being tailed. She bumps into Du Lei who sends her back. He lets her know that he and Wan Shan are family friends but warns her to stay away from him.
Yuan Shuai sees Du Lei sending Jiang Jun back and tells him to keep his distance. Wan Shan tries to bribe Jiang Jun to keep quiet about Tang Xin. Jiang Jun records their conversation. She rejects his offer but gets confronted by a thug after leaving his office.
Episode 9
The thug demands for Jiang Jun’s phone which falls out of her handbag during a tussle. Jiang Jun sprains her ankle and hobbles home. Yuan Shuai carries her back to his place. He scolds her for the danger and orders her to stop her pursuit of the case. But Jiang Jun insists on getting to the bottom of things.
Xu Li looks for Xiao Chun at his campus and discovers that he has many admirers. She is guided to Xiao Chun’s desk but he is not around. His computer is on and a girl’s message pops up to arrange for a date. Xu Li thinks that must be his girlfriend and is heartbroken.
Yuan Shuai is trying to get Luo Sheng to replace Wan Shan. They found Jiang Jun’s mobile phone which needs repair. Du Lei meets Wan Shan and warns him not to go overboard. He waits for Jiang Jun and provokes Yuan Shuai into hitting him when he sees her approaching. This causes Yuan Shuai and Jiang Jun to quarrel.
Linda wants Du Lei to be tailed. he claims his bruised lips is an accident. They are making their moves on the Wanxing case and Du Lei seems indifferent that Jiang Jun will be a pawn.
Jiang Jun is still angry at Yuan Shuai. But she is forced to use his shower when her water supply gets cut off. He notices that she already has a new phone and hides the one that he has bought. Jiang Jun accidentally kicks Yuan Shuai while he tries to retrieve his dog from the shower. She sees that he has been quietly helping her on the Wanxing’s case. She also learns that his dog’s name is Wealth which is the name of the puppy she found back in school.
Episode 10
Tang Xin releases details of Wan Shan’s sexual harassment and sues him. Yuan Shuai reallocates his subordinates’ work on the Wanxing deal. Qiao Na piles more work on Jiang Jun when Yuan Shuai chooses Jiang Jun to attend a meeting with him. Xiang Ding and Yi Cheng help her to finish the task.
Xiao Chuan thinks Xu Li just wants a favor from him when she looks for him at the campus and helps him to organize his things. She learns that he doesn’t have a girlfriend and the message pop-ups are project simulations. Xu Li pretends that her friend needs a favor to run a beta test on her project. She uses a different persona named Shiry to contact Xiao Chuan.
Wan Shan can guess that Du Lei has used Jiang Jun as a pawn. Du Lei intentionally told Wan Shan about Jiang Jun’s meeting with Tang Xin. His intention is to snatch Wanxing’s business from MH. Tang Xin is forced to retract her accusations after Wan Shan threatens to release her nude photos. Shen Xin exposes Jiang Jun’s relationship with Du Lei and accuses her of working against MH with Tang Xin’s retraction.
Jiang Jun tries to persuade Tang Xin. But Du Lei gets to her first and convinces her to keep quiet in return for a new contract with another agency. He also warns Wan Shan not to let Jiang Jun know as he can destroy Wan Shan with the evidence that he has. With Tang Xin’s retraction, Wan Shan calls for a meeting to sack MH and Luo Sheng. Yuan Shuai asks Jiang Jun to collect her phone from the repairer who turns out to be Xiao Chuan. But Wan Shan laughs at the recordings which couldn’t prove anything.
Episode 11
Tang Xin turns up at the meeting to be the witness. She doesn’t want other girls to fall victim. Everything ends well with Luo Sheng being appointed as the new CEO to replace Wan Shan. Mr.Fan compliments Yuan Shuai and Jiang Jun.
Du Lei is at the car racing track after being outmaneuvered by Yuan Shuai again. He rejects Linda’s offer to help him to defeat Yuan Shuai. Jiang Jun has been working late. Yuan Shuai offers to cook for her. Xu Li tries to invite Xiao Chuan to the movies but gets turned down. She tries to chat with him as Shiry but gets found out. Xu Li claims that she is testing him out to differentiate between a real human being and AI.
Jiang Jun is at Yuan Shuai’s place. She grabs his Rubik’s Cube as she waits for him to finish his cooking. Yuan Shuai encircles her from behind as he helps her to solve it. The toy actually belongs to her during their schooldays. He tricked her into giving it to him back then. Yuan Shuai tells her to take it home to try to solve it. They enjoy their dinner together as Jiang Jun finds his cooking tasty.
Du Lei asks Yuan Shuai out for a race but gets defeated. He tells Yuan Shuai that he has resigned from GE. Yuan Shuai knows Du Lei led Jiang Jun to Tang Xin. He tells him to stay away from her but Du Lei replies that there are some things that he won’t give up.
Movie Date
Xu Li begs Jiang Jun to ask Xiao Chuan out to the movies on her behalf. So, Jiang Jun asks Yuan Shuai for help since he seems to know her phone repairer. Yuan Shuai agrees if they buy 4 tickets. Xiao Chuan turns out to be Yuan Shuai’s cousin. Xu Li shrewdly buys tickets for different movies so that she can watch alone with Xiao Chuan. It is a horror movie but her attempts to make Xiao Chuan hug her are unsuccessful. Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai end up watching a sad movie. He holds her and covers her eyes to keep her from crying. He volunteers to watch movies with her in the future.
Wanxing wrote an appreciation letter to MH and commends Yuan Shuai and Jiang Jun. Thus, Jiang Jun passes her probation early. Jiang Jun finds out that her rented apartment is owned by Yuan Shuai and that he had got her evicted from her previous place. She confronts him.
Episode 12
Yuan Shuai shows Jiang Jun a photo of Du Lei and Wan Shan as evidence that Du Lei has been using her. He reminds her that there is no free lunch in this world. That makes Jiang Jun even angrier as she accuses him of lying about her rented apartment. She decides to move out. Jiang Jun tells Xu Li that Yuan Shuai has been lying to her since they were kids. She recalls being tricked that he will hold her while coaxing her to jump down from a tree. She ended up with scrape hands and he told her that it was a lesson for her not to be easily taken in by a man’s words.
Yuan Shuai doesn’t know what to do with Jiang Jun. He leaves early for a business trip. Du Lei tells Jiang Jun that he has left GE. He claims it is a misunderstanding as he happens to know Wan Shan but cannot reveal too much then since they are rivals.
Xu Li misses Xiao Chuan as he has not been to the convenience store. But he finds him in Yuan Shuai’s apartment when she delivers his orders. He is helping Yuan Shuai to look after his dog since the latter is on a business trip. Mr. Ma orders Jiang Jun to complete a task by the next day. She ends up having to work through the night. Du Lei texts her and orders food to be delivered to her office. She declines his offer to wait for her and send her home.
Getting Drunk
Yuan Shuai is involved in a minor car accident and posts a photo to test Jiang Jun’s reaction. He is disappointed when she seems to like and then immediately unlike the post. Xu Li drops by to see Xiao Chuan again. He impulsively hugs her when his project testing is successful. Xu Li is happy and feels shy.
Mr. Ma asks Jiang Jun to attend a business dinner with a client, Mr. Qin. Xiang Ding messages Yuan Shuai who flies back immediately. During the dinner, Mr. Qin keeps asking Jiang Jun to drink. Du Lei calls her and quickly rushes to the restaurant when he knows she is drinking. But he is a step too late. Yuan Shuai has taken her away.
Jiang Jun argues with Yuan Shuai when he scolds her for drinking. She is drunk and climbs up a few steps. He asks her to come down. She accuses him of being a liar. Jiang Jun trips and Yuan Shuai catches her. He recalls the times when they were kids and she jumped down from a tree. He did try to hold her and injured his elbow. But he hid the bleeding and pretended to give her a lesson not to trust easily. He quietly tells a sleepy Jiang Jun that he will always hold her. Yuan Shuai is tempted to kiss her but she awakens at the last minute.
Episode 13
Yuan Shuai carries Jiang Jun home. She is asleep. He calls Xu Li over. The next morning, Jiang Jun wakes up to find Xu Li around. Xu Li tells her that she already felt weird the first time they stepped into the apartment because everything fits Jiang Jun’s personal taste. So, her conclusion it is either Yuan Shuai secretly wants to murder Jiang Jun or in love with her.
Linda asks Du Lei to return to GE but he declines. Yuan Shuai advises Jiang Jun not to let people like Mr. Ma to walk all over her. She summons her courage to decline his job assignment. Yuan Shuai also threatens Mr. Ma with a photo of him as a cross-dresser to ensure he toes the line.
Yuan Shuai apologizes to Jiang Jun about the apartment and asks her not to trust a person like him. Jiang Jun forgives him but tells him not to lie to her again. Du Lei brings Jiang Jun to his perfume blending facility again. She tells him that she has moved out. He is secretly happy but notices Jiang Jun’s expression belies her real feelings for Yuan Shuai.
Jiang Jun is bunking in with Xu Li but the latter’s housemate is hard to get along with. She wants to rent back Yuan Shuai’s apartment but her pride makes it hard to open her mouth. Yuan Shuai pretends that he already has a prospective tenant to force Jiang Jun to quickly move back in. Qiao Na is still picking on Jiang Jun. She also informs Yuan Shuai that Chenxin Technology is attracting interests due to their patent.
Xiao Chuan hugs Xu Li again when his app is successfully completed. Both of them call Yuan Shuai and Jiang Jun respectively to tell them the good news.
Episode 14
Xu Li scolds Jiang Jun for being weak and moving back to Yuan Shuai’s apartment. Both the men look at them arguing outside the store in amazement as they make up just as quickly.
Xiao Chuan is looking for investors for his dating app for further development. While Jiang Jun and Xu Li think it is a good idea, Yuan Shuai pours cold water over the project. He doesn’t think that Xiao Chuan knows what the market wants as the latter has no experience in love. Xiao Chuan is unhappy over Yuan Shuai’s feedback. Xu Li tries to cheer him up and offers her savings for his start-up. He declines but puts her hand in his coat pocket as she is feeling cold.
Jiang Jun tells Yuan Shuai that he is being too harsh on Xiao Chuan. But Yuan Shuai replies that they have not even tried out the app yet. They also both admit that they have not dated to know much about love. Yuan Shuai confesses that he already has a secret crush on someone but has no courage to tell her as he is afraid he might lose the friendship.
Du Lei’s Help
Xu Li begs Jiang Jun to get Du Lei’s help to assist Xiao Chuan. Du Lei agrees. Jiang Jun, Yuan Shuai, and Du Lei register separately as users to test out the dating app. It matches Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai. But they are strangers while using the app under the usernames of Juno and Zeus respectively. They end up texting each other through the app and talking about their love lives and his secret crush.
Du Lei is not keen on Xiao Chuan’s app as he thinks it is still lacking a key component. But Xu Li inspires a solution in him and he hugs her again. Du Lei then agrees to be an investor. Xu Li informs Jiang Jun that Xiao Chuan is treating them to a meal. Yuan Shuai asks Jiang Jun to help him to walk his dog as he needs to work overtime. He gives her his door password and it is the date that they met again.
Episode 15
Jiang Jun has taken leave. Xiao Chuan’s idea of a meal is to take Xu Li, Jiang Jun, and Du Lei on a camping trip and have a barbecue. Xu Li asks Xiao Chuan if he has fallen in love before. He replied that he has but it was for an instant. Then, something got into his eye and Xu Li thinks he is crying from the bitter experience. Du Lei relates to Jiang Jun that he was adopted by Mr. Du because he shared the same birthdate as his biological son. He moved in with his dog but they threw it out and it died.
Jiang Jun tells Du Lei that her biggest regret is not able to be with her father when he died. A hostile takeover of her father’s company contributed to his death. Du Lei recalls that he was involved in the deal at that time. Mr. Du finds out that Du Lei has quit GE and scolds Linda for hiding it from him. Linda has always cared about Du Lei from the time he was adopted.
Yuan Shuai finds out from Xu Li’s social media account that the 4 of them have gone camping and is jealous of Du Lei. He calls Xiao Chuan to come home immediately. Xiao Chuan thinks Yuan Shuai is angry because Du Lei has better insight to invest in his app.
Jiang Jun knows Yuan Shuai is angry and cheers him up. She is also beginning to get a bit jealous of Qiao Na’s relationship with Yuan Shuai and texts him on the dating app. Jiang Jun finds it hard to believe when Yuan Shuai gives her the idea that she has feelings for the man she is talking about. Yuan Shuai is taking pills for abdominal pains.
Episode 16
Jiang Jun finds the water pipe in her toilet has burst in the morning. He gets Yuan Shuai to fix it. When she sees that Yuan Shuai is feeling unwell, she tries to persuade him to go to the hospital. But he needs to attend to the Chenxin Technology case. He has got a few investors over to help the company and needs to attend the meeting. He is doing it to help the owner, Dr. Zhu, which surprises Jiang Jun. Dr. Zhu is a nervous man but Jiang Jun manages to calm him down as he needs to make a presentation to the prospective investors.
Du Lei is with Xiao Chuan and Xu Li to look at a rental premise for the start-up. Linda calls him to return to see their father immediately. But Du Lei ends up quarreling with Mr. Du as he doesn’t want to be controlled anymore and be a substitute for his late biological son. He also tells Linda that he is different from her as his surname is not Du.
Yuan Shuai is in great pain during the investors meeting. He holds on until the meeting finishes and the investors are happy. Yuan Shuai is then rushed to the hospital and is diagnosed with appendicitis. He is afraid of surgery but Jiang Jun insists that it must be done urgently. The doctor assumes that she is Yuan Shuai’s girlfriend. Yuan Shuai is happy to play along with the pretense. After the surgery, Yuan Shuai is still unconscious. Jiang Jun keeps him company. An unhappy Du Lei goes to Jiang Jun’s place but she isn’t home.
Episode 17
Yuan Shuai awakens the next morning to find Qiao Na looking at him. He asks her to go back and gets Su Chang to call Jiang Jun instead. Du Lei has been waiting for Jiang Jun the whole night but she didn’t return home. She is just about to reach home when Su Chang calls to tell her that Yuan Shuai is not feeling good. She turns around and runs back to the hospital. Yuan Shuai is watching her and happy that she is concerned about him. Jiang Jun knows Yuan Shuai has tricked her again. He pulls her to him which leaves her flustered.
Su Chang’s girlfriend, Xin Xin, returns from overseas to see him. But he has bragged to her that he is the Executive Director of MH and living in a high-end apartment. Su Chang pleads with Yuan Shuai to let him stay in his apartment during his girlfriend’s visit. Yuan Shuai uses it as an excuse to bunk in with Jiang Jun who protests vehemently. He also pretends to be Su Chang’s assistant.
Xu Li is helping Xiao Chuan to decorate their new office. She is disappointed when Xiao Chuan merely treats her as his buddy. Yuan Shuai is a good cook and Jiang Jun gets to enjoy tasty meals. He tricks her into allowing him to stay with her. Xin Xin finds a photo of Jiang Jun in the apartment and thinks Su Chang may be unfaithful.
Jiang Jun offers to sleep on the sofa since Yuan Shuai is still recovering from surgery. She pretends to be sleeping when Yuan Shuai approaches her. He touches his nose to hers and tells her quietly that she is adorable. Jiang Jun is delighted but thinks it is insane to feel that way towards him.
Episode 18
Xin Xin barges into Jiang Jun’s apartment and finds Yuan Shuai living with her. She tells Su Chang about it. He lies to Xin Xin that Jiang Jun is the CEO’s daughter and they should stay away from them. Xu Li invites Jiang Jun to attend the opening of Xiao Chuan’s new office. Du Lei is not picking up Linda’s calls.
Xu Li questions Jiang Jun when she finds out that Yuan Shuai has moved into her apartment. She is not agreeable to the arrangement. The 4 of them are celebrating Xiao Chuan’s office opening. Xu Li drags Xiao Chuan away to buy food leaving Jiang Jun alone with Du Lei. Yuan Shuai texts Jiang Jun and is annoyed that he has been left out of the celebration.
Jiang Jun learns that it is Du Lei’s birthday and sings him a birthday song. They are enjoying themselves when Du Lei becomes tempted to confess his feelings for her. But Jiang Jun keeps getting distracted by Yuan Shuai’s texts and eventually rushes home when he complains that his wound hurts. Linda’s psychologist advises her to change her way of communicating with Du Lei if she doesn’t want him to feel that she is controlling his life.
Jiang Jun accidentally kisses Yuan Shuai when he stops her from rummaging through his closet. He is afraid she will discover his collection of her photos. The kiss results in embarrassment and awkwardness between them. Jiang Jun also can’t forget the incident at work and loses concentration. Yuan Shuai tries a fun way to normalize the situation. Xiao Chuan and Xu Li plan a date for the users who found a match on their app. Xu Li asks Jiang Jun to come along.
Episode 19
The dating event is held at the aquarium theme park. Yuan Shuai tells Jiang Jun that he wouldn’t go but still turns up. Du Lei is there and both men are antagonistic towards one another. Jiang Jun tries to defuse the situation. Then, Du Lei has to leave as his father is admitted to hospital. Mr. Du is critically ill and Du Lei agrees to help Linda to handle the company’s affairs as their share price is falling with the news.
Juno and Zeus is the only pair with a 100% match on the dating app. Jiang Jun informs Xu Li that she is Juno but is unwilling to go on the date that has been arranged. Xu Li bribes her with a new handbag. At the same time, Yuan Shuai informs Xiao Chuan that he is Zeus. Xiao Chuan begs him to attend the date. Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai are surprised when they find out they are each other’s date. Xiao Chuan is sure that they will end up together.
Xu Li is angry and storms off when a bunch of girls surround Xiao Chuan to register as users. When Xiao Chuan discovers that Xu Li has gone, he becomes worried. He hugs her when he finally finds her and her anger turns to happiness.
Xin Xin visits Su Chang at the office. Su Chang begs Yuan Shuai to pretend to be his assistant and personally receives Xin Xin. Staff start to gossip about Yuan Shuai and the girl. Jiang Jun walks into Yuan Shuai’s office and finds herself having to play pretend as well. She makes use of the opportunity to bully Yuan Shuai. While leaving, Qiao Na confronts Xin Xin who tells her that Yuan Shuai already has a girlfriend.
Episode 20
Qiao Na asks Yuan Shuai to meet an old client for dinner. He agrees. Du Lei recalls constantly being pushed to be the best when he was a kid. Mr. Du now realizes that he may have been wrong in adopting Du Lei. He agrees to break off their relationship as father and son.
The weather is cold. Yuan Shuai asks Jiang Jun to come into his office to let her warm her hands with his desktop heater. Jiang Jun suggests that they should have hotpot at home for dinner. Yuan Shuai agrees but says that he will be late. Jiang Jun prepares all the ingredients and then wait for Yuan Shuai to come home.
Qiao Na admits to Yuan Shuai that she has tricked him to turn up for dinner with her. She confesses her feelings for him but gets rejected. While he is in the toilet, she answers his phone when Jiang Jun calls. Yuan Shuai has to admit that he has someone he loves when Qiao Na keeps pushing him. He is also firm that he wouldn’t consider her even if the woman he loves doesn’t love him back. Qiao Na taunts him for having no courage to confess. She is miserable about the rejection.
Jiang Jun is mad that Yuan Shuai is with someone else. She starts throwing his stuff out of her closet and discovers his stash of old stuff from their schooldays. She reads the letter that he had written before he went abroad for his studies and finds out that he has been secretly in love with her all along. Jiang Jun runs out to look for Yuan Shuai just as he is coming home. They confess their feelings for each other and kiss in the snowy weather.
Linda asks Du Lei is he is willing to consider her as a girlfriend now that they are officially no longer siblings. He turns her down and tells her that he loves someone else.
Episode 21
Linda doesn’t want Du Lei to leave her. She orders for a background check on Jiang Jun. Yuan Shuai and Jiang Jun are caught kissing outside their apartment unit by Xiao Chuan. He recorded their act. He has wanted to interview them for being the perfect match couple for his dating app.
After shooing Xiao Chuan out the door, Yuan Shuai and Jiang Jun end up sleeping together. Su Chang can guess that Yuan Shuai has made progress in his relationship with Jiang Jun as he is in a happy mood. In the office, Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai can’t help being sugary when they think no one is looking.
Qiao Na is observant enough to know that there is something going on between the two of them. She orders Jiang Jun to work overtime. When she notices Yuan Shuai’s car is still around when everyone has left, she goes back to the office. Yuan Shuai is kissing Jiang Jun when they hear footsteps. Jiang Jun makes him hide under her desk. Qiao Na appears and pretends not to notice. In actual fact, she has taken a picture of them kissing but is thinking of reporting them to the management.
Xu Li is waiting for Jiang Jun in her apartment and catches her and Yuan Shuai kissing. Xiao Chuan has shown her the recording. Xu Li disapproves of Yuan Shuai until she tastes his cooking. Then, she changes her mind and thinks Yuan Shuai is a great boyfriend. She is melancholic that her compatibility with Xiao Chuan is only 1% in the app.
Qiao Na made a mistake in the financial planning for the Yuanyang Group. The client is unhappy. Yuan Shuai promises Mr. Fan that he will come up with a new plan for them in 24 hours.
Episode 22
Yuan Shuai has to work with Qiao Na throughout the day and night to get the new plan ready. He didn’t come home for the night. Jiang Jun tries not to disturb him. Qiao Na is grateful to Yuan Shuai for helping her. He tells her that he is doing it because it is his responsibility as her boss. Personally, it is also because she is his trusted and capable work partner. Qiao Na shows him the picture of him kissing Jiang Jung that she has taken. She has no intention to harm him but reminds him to be careful of the consequences.
Jiang Jun receives a call to see a prospective client. But she ends up unconscious in a hotel room and Du Lei is informed. He sends her to the hospital and informs Xu Li and Xiao Chuan. Du Lei tells them that Jiang Jun has fainted because of low blood sugar. Yuan Shuai and Qiao Na’s new plan is well-received by the client. He couldn’t reach Jiang Jun after his meeting. Xiao Chuan texts Yuan Shuai to let him know where Jiang Jun is. Yuan Shuai rushes to the hospital and learns that Du Lei had sent her there. He quietly finds out from the doctor that Jiang Jun’s blood sample shows traces of sleeping pills.
Jiang Jun’s Father
Du Lei confronts Linda about Jiang Jun. Linda reminds him that he was involved in the indirect killing of Jiang Jun’s father. A food safety accident had caused Jiang Jun’s father’s noodle manufacturing company to face a crisis. The accident happened when Jiang Jun’s father refused to entertain a takeover. Du Lei then listened to Linda to help C Group to take over the company although he was suspicious about the deal. Linda tells Du Lei that he can’t run away from the fact that they are similar people who would do anything to achieve an aim.
Yuan Shuai confronts Du Lei who admits that he loves Jiang Jun and hence, he wouldn’t hurt her. But Yuan Shuai informs Du Lei that Jiang Jun is already his girlfriend. He also asks Su Chang to investigate.
Yuan Shuai wants to follow Jiang Jun home to visit her mother for the new year holidays. She tells him that her father had died of a heart attack 5 years ago because C Group had taken over his company and compromised on his noodles quality. Jiang Jun has wanted to join MH because she wants to see if there is kindness and conscience in the investment banking circle.
Xiao Chuan has no plans to go anywhere during the new year holidays. Xu Li will be going back to visit her mother. Du Lei contacts Cao Heng and wants to meet him. Cao Heng used to work for Linda.
Episode 23
Yuan Shuai has to go an urgent business trip. He asks Jiang Jun to come into his office and tells her that he might not be able to spend the new year with her. They are kissing when Qiao Na knocks and enters the room. Qiao Na could guess what they have been doing. Qiao Na warns Yuan Shuai about office gossips. She also tells Jiang Jun that if her relationship with Yuan Shuai gets exposed, she (Jiang Jun) would be the one in trouble. Furthermore, Qiao Na also warns her that she is always ready to snatch Yuan Shuai from her.
Yuan Shuai calls Jiang Jun and says he could not make it back by the 31st. Xu Li decides at the last minute not to go back to her hometown. She runs back to see Xiao Chuan who has ordered Xu Li’s favorite food to eat alone.
Du Lei gets a call from Cao Heng to meet up in Suzhou. Cao Heng tests Du Lei out and knows he is not there on Linda’s instructions. He claims not to know anything and then calls Linda to let her know that Du Lei has looked for him.
Xu Li confesses her feelings for Xiao Chuan and kisses him. But Xiao Chuan is doubtful that their relationship would work out as they only have 1% compatibility. He leaves her to get drunk. The next morning, Xu Li has left him a note to say that she is leaving him.
Jiang Jun is flying back to her hometown. Yuan Shuai surprises her with his presence on her flight. When they meet her mother, they didn’t tell her that they are dating but that they are colleagues. Yuan Shuai tries his best to flatter Jiang Jun’s mother and her neighbors.
Episode 24
Yuan Shuai tries to impress Mrs. Jiang with his cooking. She is happy with him until she brings up the time when a boy stole Jiang Jun’s speech write-up. She hates the boy for causing Jiang Jun to feel distressed and had to change school. Yuan Shuai admits that he was the culprit and begs Jiang Jun’s mother for forgiveness. Mrs. Jiang makes him drink 3 full glass of wine as punishment before forgiving him.
Xu Li misses Xiao Chuan and is heartbroken over his rejection. Jiang Jun’s mother misunderstands when she asks Yuan Shuai about his relationship. She thinks he already has a girlfriend while her own daughter is interested in him. So, Mrs. Jiang treats him badly by asking him to sleep on the couch with a thin blanket. Then, she catches her daughter with Yuan Shuai sleeping together on the couch. Her attitude towards Yuan Shuai changes when they explain to her that they are actually dating.
Mrs. Jiang is further satisfied when Yuan Shuai helps her to impress her mahjong friends. He promises Jiang Jun’s mother that he will always take care of her daughter and wouldn’t make her cry. Then. she finds out that Yuan Shuai is working at MH which means so is Jiang Jun. She wants Jiang Jun to quit as she doesn’t her to be involved in such a stressful job and an unethical environment.
Episode 25
Jiang Jun’s mother relates to Yuan Shuai that her husband was MH’s client. He borrowed money to finance his rice noodle business. MH wanted Mr. Jiang to change his production technique and tried to get him to accept C Group’s acquisition. But Mr. Jiang refused. Then, a food safety issue emerged. Mr. Jiang had no choice but to sell his business as he was short of cash. He signed the contract and then had a sudden heart attack.
Mrs. Jiang is suspicious about the deal and her husband’s death. Yuan Shuai promises to investigate. He obtains a copy of the acquisition contract from Mrs. Jiang and notices it was signed by Cao Heng on behalf of C Group. Du Lei is also trying to get to the bottom of the case.
Yuan Shuai and Jiang Jun return home. Mrs. Jiang is agreeable to allow Jiang Jun to work at MH after talking to Yuan Shuai. Su Chang’s cover is blown when he and Xin Xin bump into the property management officer. Xin Xin forgives him when he drops to his knees to beg for forgiveness as per Yuan Shuai’s advice.
Yuan Shuai is quietly investigating Jiang Jun’s father’s case. Su Chang finds out for him where Cao Heng is. Yuan Shuai tells Jiang Jun that he will be away on a business trip. Tai Mo is back to head the Investment Banking Department at MH. He transfers Mr. Ma to the headquarters. He also tells Jiang Jun that he and her father were friends. He tried his best to help Mr. Jiang when he was short of cash and arranged for the C Group acquisition.
While looking for Cao Heng, Yuan Shuai bumps into Du Lei who suggests that they cooperate. They end up nabbing Cao Heng together.
Episode 26
Cao Heng is forced to reveal what happened 5 years ago. He was President of C Group and was instructed by Linda to bribe Mr. Jiang’s staff, Mr. Yin, to compromise the quality of the noodles. Mr. Yin took the money because he needed it to pay for his daughter’s surgery. After the takeover, Cao Heng was forced to leave C Group as he did all the dirty work and Linda used it against him. He was paid a big sum of money to leave quietly. Cao Heng is not sure who is the person behind Linda.
Du Lei confronts Linda who warns him not to investigate further as the man involved is very powerful. He has also found out Jiang Jun is Mr. Jiang’s daughter. Yuan Shuai questions Mr. Yin who reveals Cao Heng bribed him after Mr. Jiang refused to compromise the quality of the noodles to lengthen their shelf life. The 2 persons who met up with Mr. Jiang to persuade him were Linda and Tai Mo.
Harming Jiang Jun
Linda calls Tai Mo to discuss about Jiang Jun. He tells her he will take care of Jiang Jun personally and ensures she won’t find out the truth. Qiao Na gives the 4 newbies a task and appoints Jiang Jun as the team leader. Shen Xin is jealous. Tai Mo instigates Shen Xin to do whatever it takes to show her worth and achieve her aim. Shen Xin then moves the lift maintenance sign to trap Jiang Jun in the lift so that she would be late to a client’s meeting.
Yuan Shuai tells Du Lei that the man behind Linda is Tai Mo. Du Lei informs Yuan Shuai in return that Tai Mo already knows Jiang Jun is Mr. Jiang’s daughter. Yuan Shuai rushes to get to Jiang Jun by tracking her phone’s location when he couldn’t reach her. He saves her from the trapped lift and sends her to hospital. Du Lei rushes to the hospital to see Yuan Shuai accompanying her.
Du Lei is angry and makes a deal with Tai Mo. He asks him to cooperate to bring down Yuan Shuai as he claims he wants Jiang Jun. Shen Xin begs Jiang Jun not to report her to the police. Jiang Jun forgives her. The compliance team wants to investigate Yuan Shuai for bribery.
Episode 27
Yuan Shuai is made to face a hearing with Tai Mo accusing him of accepting bribes from Dr. Zhu of Chenxin Technology. Dr. Zhu also turns up to confirm that he has paid money to Yuan Shuai. After the hearing, Yuan Shuai confronts Tai Mo who threatens to bankrupt Yuan Shuai’s parents’ company if he doesn’t comply with his demands. Tai Mo is worried because Yuan Shuai is investigating C Group. Yuan Shuai agrees to leave MH and keeps quiet about Tai Mo’s crimes.
Yuan Shuai avoids Jiang Jun. Qiao Na asks her contact at the headquarters to find out about Yuan Shuai’s case. Yuan Shuai agrees to meet Jiang Jun after repeated calls. He tells her that he is guilty and tempted by money. He will also be leaving Shanghai. Yuan Shuai plays down their short-lived love affair to convince Jiang Jun that they should breakup. She slaps him before turning around to leave. As Jiang Jun walks back home, she cries and faints. Yuan Shuai is there to catch her.
Jiang Jun wakes up at the hospital to find Xu Li with her. She recalls seeing Yuan Shuai just before she falls unconscious which makes her suspicious. Jiang Jun calls Xiao Chuan who says Yuan Shuai has not contacted him. Tai Mo appoints Du Lei to take over Yuan Shuai’s position. Qiao Na informs Jiang Jun that the informant on the Yuan Shuai’s case is Du Lei. So, it is obvious that Du Lei and Tai Mo are cooperating to give Yuan Shuai trouble.
Jiang Jun confronts Du Lei. She declares her trust in Yuan Shuai that he is innocent. Du Lei and Yuan Shuai meet up.
Episode 28
Tai Mo is meeting Linda. She tells him that it is not surprising that Du Lei will work with him as Du Lei sees Yuan Shuai as his biggest rival. Linda assures Tai Mo that she didn’t tell Du Lei about how Mr. Jiang died. Tai Mo prevented Mr. Jiang from getting to his pills bottle when the latter is on the verge of a heart attack. Linda could only watch as both of them left Mr. Jiang to die. Linda is wondering what Du Lei is up to and feeling worried.
Yuan Shuai and Du Lei are cooperating to bring down Tai Mo. They suspect it was Tai Mo who played a hand in trapping Jiang Jun in the lift. Tai Mo wants Jiang Jun dead because he probably thinks she joined MH to investigate her father’s case. Hence, Yuan Shuai suspects Mr. Jiang’s death could be foul play. Their plan then is to have Du Lei get close to Tai Mo. They use Dr. Zhu as bait. Du Lei convinces Tai Mo that he has evidence of Yuan Shuai’s corruption involving Chenxin Technology.
Yuan Shuai warns Du Lei to ensure Jiang Jun’s safety and not to act inappropriately towards her. Du Lei tells him that Jiang Jun is getting suspicious. Yuan Shuai calls Dr. Zhu to remind him not to tell Jiang Jun anything. But Jiang Jun is witty enough to get Dr. Zhu to spill the beans that Yuan Shuai is innocent. Then, Jiang Jun gets Xu Li to go with her to see Xiao Chuan who is forced to reveal that Yuan Shuai is still in Shanghai.
Investigating Tai Mo
Xiao Chuan apologizes to Xu Li for rejecting her the last time she confessed. But he says the wrong thing to cause Xu Li to misunderstand his intention as she is hurt by his emphasis on their lack of compatibility. She leaves before allowing him to finish what he wants to say.
Yuan Shuai uses his charm to get close to Jia Yuan Ji who is the son of GE’s CEO. He manages to approach Mr. Jia through Yuan Ji and convinces him to clean up GE and maintain the company’s reputation by investigating Linda and Tai Mo. Mr. Jia wants Yuan Shuai to consider working for GE in return.
Xiao Chuan is developing a program that will ensure he and Xu Li would be a perfect match. Jiang Jun quietly places a recording device in Du Lei’s office. When she retrieves it after office hours, Shen Xin notices what she is doing. She warns Jiang Jun that Tai Mo is the one who instigated her to trap Jiang Jun in the lift. In the recording, Tai Mo is heard mentioning to Du Lei about Yuan Shuai’s investigation into Jiangnan Flavor, her father’s company.
Jiang Jun lets Qiao Na listen to the recording. Qiao Na suggests that they wait and see as Yuan Shuai would have his plans. Jiang Jun suspects Yuan Shuai is getting help from someone in MH. Du Lei notices a safe in Tai Mo’s office. Mr. Jia passes some details of shareholdings information on C Group to Yuan Shuai. Yuan Shuai asks Mr. Jia to arrange for him to meet Linda.
Episode 29
Du Lei is being followed by Tai Mo’s right-hand man, Secretary Bai. He leaves a USB drive for Yuan Shuai to retrieve. It contains documents that tie Linda with Cao Heng and C Group. Mr. Jia arranges for Linda to meet Yuan Shuai who reminds her that she is just being used by Tai Mo as a scapegoat. Linda also learns that Du Lei is cooperating with Yuan Shuai.
Linda relates to Yuan Shuai how Mr. Jiang died. Mr. Jiang found out that he had been set up. He punched Tai Mo who provoked him that his brand would now be associated with junk food. When Mr. Jiang’s blood pressure rose, he tried to consume his pills but the bottle dropped onto the floor. Tai Mo stepped on his hand to prevent him from reaching for his pills. Linda agrees to cooperate with Yuan Shuai.
Linda fishes for information from Tai Mo on the location of a critical document that will implicate him. Du Lei suspects it could be in the safe in his office based on the information given. He makes Secretary Bai drunk to prevent him from attending the next day’s annual conference. During the conference, Yuan Shuai appears with the evidence. But he still lacks the contract that shows him as the true owner of C Group.
Tai Mo signals to Du Lei to retrieve the contract from his office safe to prevent investigators from getting their hands on it. But he doesn’t realize that Du Lei is working against him. Linda also appears to testify against Tai Mo. She brings Mr. Jiang’s pills bottle which has Tai Mo’s fingerprints on it. Jiang Jun questions Tai Mo why he had refused to save her father. He replied it was because Mr. Jiang had known too much.
Episode 30
Du Lei is surprised and sad for Linda. But she is relieved and accepting that she will get the punishment that she deserves. She also apologizes for her selfish love in the past. Du Lei promises her that he will take care of their father and they will always be family.
Jiang Jun is angry with Yuan Shuai for hiding the truth from her. She kicks him out of her apartment. Du Lei rubs it in when he finds Yuan Shuai drinking alone. He also tells him that he has no intention to leave MH since Jiang Jun is working there.
Yuan Shuai and Xiao Chuan are tailing Jiang Jun and Xu Li respectively. They lost them halfway through but end up in the same restaurant. When they hear each other talking, Yuan Shuai is happy although Jiang Jun is still angry with him. He knows that she still has him in her heart. So, he pesters her hoping that she will give in.
Xiao Chuan launches an upgrade for his dating app. It connects to a smart bracelet that measures a wearer’s body reactions. He runs to get Xu Li and shows her the bracelet. It doesn’t register them as a matching pair but he ignores the reading and confesses that he loves her. When they kiss, the bracelets beep to signal that they are a perfect match.
Jiang Jun returns home to see her mother. Yuan Shuai also turns up to give Mrs. Jiang a contract that will return her husband’s noodle brand name to her. She is moved to tears. Yuan Shuai apologizes to Jiang Jun for keeping the truth from her and not trusting her enough. He promises that he won’t bully her anymore but will protect her instead.
Episode 31
It is 2 years later.
Yuan Shuai and Jiang Jun are living together. They will fight over the bathroom and daily chores. Xu Li and Xiao Chuan are married. They are trying to have a baby and Xiao Chuan keeps feeding her chicken soup to build up her health. She is sick of it and quietly orders hot and spicy food to be delivered.
Jiang Jun is now a Vice President at MH while Du Lei is the Managing Director. Fengchao Technology is preparing for listing and many investment banks are hoping to be its client. Du Lei asks Jiang Jun to try to contact them. He also bought her a watch as a gift for her promotion. Shen Xin and Yi Cheng are now dating.
Business Rivals
Yuan Shuai is now the Managing Director of GE. He is fighting with Jiang Jun for Fengchao Technology’s business. But the founder, Dong Qi, is unwilling to meet them. So, they try to spy on each other at home to see if the other has managed to get clues on Dong Qi’s schedule. In the end, Yuan Shuai manages to convince Dong Qi to see him instead of MH.
Yuan Ji is now Yuan Shuai’s assistant. He is also interested in Qiao Na despite their age difference but the latter has no interest in him. Xu Li thinks she is pregnant but it is a false alarm. She also advises Jiang Jun to spend more time with Yuan Shuai rather than just her career. Jiang Jun discusses it with Yuan Shuai but he assures her that he respects her decision.
Yuan Shuai helps Jiang Jun to secure a loan for a client because he knows the director involved. But Jiang Jun is annoyed with Yuan Shuai during the meeting because he pretends that Jiang Jun is his cousin and talks bad about his girlfriend. After the meeting, Yuan Shuai is jealous that Jiang Jun is wearing Du Lei’s watch. He changes it with the one he bought which is a matching couple’s watch.
Episode 32
Du Lei is angry that Jiang Jun has got help from Yuan Shuai for the client’s loan. He also notices that she isn’t wearing his watch. Du Lei wants her to do a detailed report on the project and not to seek Yuan Shuai’s help again.
Jiang Jun has to work overtime and tells Yuan Shuai that Du Lei is angry with her. Yuan Shuai supports her career but doesn’t wish to see her working so hard. Du Lei keeps piling more work on Jiang Jun until she faints from gastroenteritis. Yuan Shuai rushes to the hospital and has a tiff with Du Lei over his unreasonable pressure on Jiang Jun.
Yuan Shuai forces Jiang Jun to take a week’s leave from work. He gets Xu Li and Xiao Chuan over to take care of her. Yuan Ji is still openly wooing Qiao Na which annoys her. Shen Xin overhears Du Lei’s telephone conversation about the accounts for Huanyu Group. Du Lei knows she has heard what he said.
Yuan Shuai finds a positive pregnancy test kit in the toilet bin. He thinks he is going to be a father but it is a false alarm as Jiang Jun is having her menses. Yuan Shuai tells Jiang Jun that he is certain that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. He supports her work but feels she should change department to avoid too much pressure. He is also willing to let nature takes it course when it comes to children. Yuan Shuai is thinking of proposing to Jiang Jun and shopping for a ring.
A client’s information is leaked and Du Lei is holding Shen Xin responsible which results in her resignation. Jiang Jun returns to work and wants to talk to Shen Xin.
Episode 33
Shen Xin and Xiang Ding are made to bear the responsibility of leaking SKL’s acquisition price. So, Du Lei asked them to resign as someone has to take the blame. Jiang Jun is unhappy after talking to Shen Xin as she feels that it is unfair to them. She tells Yuan Shuai about it. Yuan Shuai advises her not to worry so much about work.because he doesn’t want her health to be affected.
However, Jiang Jun wants to get to the bottom of the case. She is thinking she will finish this task and then resign to get married. When Yuan Shuai catches her waking up in the middle of the night to do her work, they quarrel over it. He asks her to resign and she gets mad that he is ordering her around. She sleeps on the couch. Yuan Shuai covers her with a blanket. When Jiang Jun wakes up the next morning, she notices the blanket and the breakfast Yuan Shuai has prepared for her.
Yuan Ji is wooing Qiao Na again with a song and flower decorations at her office. She asks the guards to drag him out. Jiang Jun talks to Du Lei again about Shen Xin and Xiang Ding’s resignation. Du Lei tells her that he is facing great pressure from the management because SKL has insisted that someone needs to take responsibility for the mistake.
Xiao Chuan Is Jealous
Xu Li is unhappy that Xiao Chuan doesn’t shower her with attention anymore. He tells her that the freshness in relationships will fade over time. She runs away and bumps into Yuan Ji. Both of them are miserable and end up drinking together. When Xiao Chuan finds them, he hits Yuan Ji for getting too close to his wife. Xu Li pretends that Yuan Ji is her pursuer to make Xiao Chuan jealous.
Su Chang informs Yuan Shuai that he got news regarding the SKL case. Yuan Shuai then tells Jiang Jun that SKL didn’t insist for anyone to be fired. Jiang Jun finds it hard to believe that Du Lei would lie to her because he has helped her a lot. Yuan Shuai then tells her that is because Du Lei has feelings for her.
Episode 34
Jiang Jun doesn’t believe that Du Lei loves her. She quarrels with Yuan Shuai over it as she thinks he is saying such things to get her to resign from MH. Both of them end up having a sleepless night with their feud. Yuan Ji waits for Qiao Na to finish work and buys her takeaways. She finally agrees to have supper with him.
Jiang Jun asks Shen Xin if she recalls any strange incidents before she left. She recalls hearing Du Lei mentioning about Huanyu Group’s financial statement and that he will take care of the regulatory side of things. Shen Xin also hopes Jiang Jun will write her a recommendation letter for her interview with GE.
Yuan Shuai picks up his proposal ring. Du Lei notices Jiang Jun’s recommendation letter for Shen Xin. He asks her to stay back after work. It is his birthday and he wants Jiang Jun to celebrate with him. Yuan Shuai calls her and could hear Du Lei’s voice in the background. He is worried and looks for her. Jiang Jun mentions to Du Lei that she is considering resigning. Du Lei puts his hand over hers and she begins to get uncomfortable as he questions her if her resignation has anything to do with Yuan Shuai.
Du Lei forces himself on Jiang Jun on the way home. Yuan Shuai arrives to save her. Back home, Jiang Jun tries to cozy up to Yuan Shuai to soothe his anger as she had not listen to him. He softens when she kisses him. She also asks Yuan Shuai to accept her recommendation letter for Shen Xin although he thinks it is not a good idea due to potential problems if it were to fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives.
Episode 35
Shen Xin passes her interview and gets a job at GE. She invites Jiang Jun and Qiao Na out to celebrate. Joining them are Yuan Shuai, Yuan Ji, and Yi Cheng. Jiang Jun tells them of her intention to resign. She also asks Yi Cheng to quietly download information about Huanyu Group.
Xiao Chuan is still angry at Xu Li for running away and meeting Yuan Ji. Xu Li tells him that she just wants him to care more about her as love is the most important thing in her life. She is disappointed as Xiao Chuan seems to forget that their wedding anniversary is the next day.
Du Lei is not happy that Jiang Jun is determined to leave MH. He uses the recommendation letter that Jiang Jun wrote for Shen Xin to start rumors about her and Yuan Shuai working together to poach talent and exchanging confidential business information. Du Lei then tells Jiang Jun that he can help her to settle the issue but she declines his offer. She is adamant that she will explain to the Board of Directors herself.
Confronting Du Lei
Jiang Jun also confronts Du Lei about the fraud in Huanyu Groups’s financial statements and the reason he got rid of Shen Xin. She hopes that Du Lei will confess to his crimes to the headquarters. She also could guess that he is the one who stole her recommendation letter and spread the rumors. Du Lei says that he just doesn’t want her to leave him and feels that it is unfair that she cares so little for him. Jiang Jun advises him not to waste any more energy on her as she only sees him as a teacher, friend, and superior. She also tells him that they should not meet again.
Yuan Shuai wants Du Lei to leave MH and the investment banking circle immediately in return for not reporting on his crimes. He is doing it to protect MH’s reputation as well as a favor for helping Jiang Jun in the past.
Xiao Chuan surprises Xu Li by playing the guitar and singing her a song on their wedding anniversary. He tells her that what is important to him is he wants to be with her forever. Xu Li is touched. They are about to kiss when Xu Li feels nauseous. Yuan Shuai tells Jiang Jun about his meeting with Du Lei and that the latter will be resigning from MH and quitting the industry. He also says he will respect her decision if she decides to continue working as he feels he might have given her pressure to quit.
Episode 36
Du Lei bumps into Linda who is now running a flower shop. She wants to pass on happiness to others. Du Lei realizes that he just doesn’t have the courage to face who he really is when he insisted on running away from the Du family that he has now lost everything. Linda advises him to live in a way that makes him happy and to give the person he truly loves what they need rather than what he thinks they need.
Xu Li and Xiao Chuan come by to announce her pregnancy to Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai. Xiao Chuan advises Yuan Shuai to just propose and marry Jiang Jun. But Yuan Shuai feels that Jiang Jun is not someone who wants to get married and is afraid of rejection. Xu Li asks Jiang Jun when she intends to get married. But Jiang Jun tells her that Yuan Shuai has not proposed and she is not going to ask.
Jiang Jun continues working at MH as she likes her job. Su Chang has successfully proposed to Xin Xin and encourages Yuan Shuai to just do it to get Jiang Jun to marry him. Yuan Shuai ropes in everyone to help out to decorate the office for the proposal. Jiang Jun accepts and they rush off to the marriage registry. Du Lei finds out about their marriage from social media and smiles. Qiao Na wants Yuan Ji to be her driver to send her to and from the office everyday.
Xu Li and Xiao Chuan are still struggling to come up with a name for their baby. Jiang Jun finds out that she is pregnant. Yuan Shuai hugs her. They are both ecstatic but also wonder what to name their baby. They then ask viewers for suggestions.
Other Office Romance Rom-Coms
2020 has no shortage of office romance rom-coms. The Night Of The Comet 2 is one of them with time travel thrown into the mix. It is a decent production with cuteness and laughs mainly because of the leads’ comical expressions. For something steamier, you can watch Well Dominated Love which features a boss and secretary relationship. The couple looks good here and the chemistry between the 2 leads is obvious. Finally, you can catch Mr. Honesty if you like the typical cold male character whose heart slowly melts for his female employee. He has a unique behavior of not telling lies, not even white ones, which makes him difficult to get along with and this is where the female character comes in.
==> Love Is Sweet is available on Amazon Prime (affiliate link)
Image Credit: iQIYI
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