If you have watched Lost You Forever S1, you would know that the female lead, Xian Yao, has a choice of 4 men in her life. Each of these 4 men have different personalities with their own attractiveness. They are all good-looking and if they aren’t ultra rich, they are people with great power. What a heady combination indeed for a woman!
So, if you are Xiao Yao, who would you pick to be the man in your life?
Images Credit: WeTV Official Facebook
Cang Xuan

Cang Xuan is a prince which means he can be a very powerful man if he plays his cards right. But his power or even his life can also be lost at any time due to the high stakes involved in palace politics. In other words, being with such a man is not for those who are faint-hearted. There will always be worries on when an enemy will strike. There will also be much planning and scheming to constantly be one step ahead of those who are against you. So, it can be a hard life being with such a man despite his royal status.
On a personal level, Cang Xuan is responsible, protective, and indulgent towards the woman he loves. He is also ambitious although part of that reason is to gain power to protect Xiao Yao. He is willing to sacrifice his own happiness so that she is safe and sound. Cang Xuan is determined, smart, and rational too which should appeal to those who like career-minded men but also caring and tender towards the woman who matters to him.
However, Cang Xuan and Xiao Yao knew each other since they were kids and the nature of their relationship has been of the sibling kind from young. Personally, this is a difficult barrier to cross especially for a woman if she has regarded him as an elder brother all her life. To change from brother to romantic partner will just make the relationship weird and awkward no matter how attractive the man might be. So, nope, Chang Xuan wouldn’t be my choice for Xiao Yao as he is ideal as a protective and loving elder brother but not lover.
Tushan Jing

Tushan Jing is extremely rich and his family is highly influential due to their vast business interest. But the Tushan family is also a toxic one with a revengeful half-brother and an unfaithful fiancee. So, it is not exactly a great family to marry into.
On the bright side, Tushan Jing is the type of man who is not afraid to express his feelings and vulnerabilities unlike Cang Xuan and Xiang Liu. He is a case of what you see is what you get. He is devoted to Xiao Yao and would willingly die for her if need be. Compared to the other men in Xiao Yao’s life, Tushan Jing is kinder, gentler, and more forgiving. He is also a great strategist and has a sharp business mind.
While Tushan Jing is willing to make sweet promises to his ladylove which sounds touching, being able to uphold them is another. He is not the type of man who is brutal enough to walk away from his family and filial duty. This goes back to his softhearted nature which is both a strength and a weakness. For Xiao Yao, it is a case of opposite attracts. Tushan Jing’s soft personality is in direct contrast to her hardhearted one. Moreover, he is less complex with no hidden motives.
Although Tushan Jing seems like an ideal lover, he also has a fiancee whom he is expected to marry. To me, this is a big red flag. His gentle nature will then become a liability as that would hold him back from making a clean break. I don’t think I would be happy sitting around waiting for a man to break off his engagement. Thus, Tushan Jing wouldn’t be my pick.
Xiang Liu

Compared to Tushan Jing, Xiang Liu is a very complex man. He is a typical bad boy that your mom would tell you to stay away from. He has a dark, hidden past which makes him dangerous with all the psychological scars. His cold exterior is a facade to hide all the sorrows and suppressed emotions. His playboy Fangfeng Bei persona is also a pretense as he is not who he claims to be. In short, you really don’t know what you are getting with this man with all his secrets.
Professionally, Xiang Liu is just a deputy to his foster father in leading the remnants of an army of a fallen kingdom. He is a great archer with strong cultivation powers. He is filial and knows gratitude. Hence, Xiang Liu is also bound by a sense of duty.
As a lover, Xiang Liu is not one that can be crossed. He can be cruel and harsh when antagonized. But he can also be fun and flirty and brings you to places not fit for a proper lady. There will be dates under the moonlight and excursions under the sea. Xiang Liu can be romantic in that way. However, there won’t be promises of the future and expressions of love. It is the moment that counts with him. His love is deep but quiet.
Xiang Liu has that kind of magnetism that will make a woman drawn to him despite the fear. His bad boy image is also alluring. If I want a memorable summer romance, Xiang Liu will fit the bill. But if I’m looking for a lasting union, he is too dangerous a lover. Xiang Liu comes with too much emotional baggage and secrets to make me feel at ease for the long term.
Feng Long

Feng Long comes from a noble family and is the future leader of a powerful clan. So, in terms of social status and wealth, Feng Long is a good catch. He doesn’t fool around and is a pretty straightforward guy. Although he is not as insightful as Tushan Jing, he is a doer and risk taker.
Generally, Feng Long has an amiable personality but is clueless when it comes to romance. Since he doesn’t know how to romance a girl, his relationship with Xiao Yao takes on a buddy rather than a lover tone. The positive aspect of this is he becomes very honest and open. Everything can be discussed and negotiated like friends even their relationship as they hash out what each can offer the other. On the downside, Feng Long certainly doesn’t feel like a lover but buddy and work partner.
I see Feng Long as someone who is faithful and dependable with no emotional baggage. If you believe love can be nurtured, he is probably the ideal candidate for a husband compared to the other 3 men. If not, there will be no romance and love life to speak of and married life with him will be bland. There will be peace but not sweetness and bliss.
Who Should Xiao Yao End Up With
If I’m Xiao Yao, I’d rather be single than to pick any one of these 4 men. I can’t see Cang Xuan as anyone else but a brother because this is what he is since young. There is love with Tushan Jing but also plenty of heartache due to his kind of personality. Xiang Liu is alluring and romantic, but he is too dangerous a man to lose your heart to. One wrong move and you can feel his wrath. Feng Long is like a drinking buddy that I can have a good time with but that’s it. There is no romance to make my heart flutter.
But if I’m forced to pick 1 from the 4 men in Lost You Forever, I will go with Feng Long. He is the most practical choice to me. Unlike Cang Xuan, I didn’t grow up with him to make me think of him as family. He also doesn’t have a fiancee and a toxic family like Tushan Jing. Finally, he is not a complex and secretive man like Xiang Liu that I can read him clearly to know what I’m getting into. Feng Long may not be able to offer romantic love but I will be contented with having peace of mind.
Of course, that is if I let my head rules over my heart. If I follow my heart, I will probably throw caution to the wind and hook up with Xiang Liu! Give me a strong and decisive man anytime than one who is weak and constantly moping. As dangerous as he may be, there is also seductiveness and magnetism and that is how an unforgettable romance should feel like.
So, if you are Xiao Yao, who would you pick to be your man? Feel free to vote here.
I would choose Xiang Liu. More than him being dangerous or typical bad boy that a lot actually views or interprets him to be, it seems that a lot fails to see the depthness of how good and kind he is beneath. But It takes time to no one. He is never pushy his character humbles me as reader.
Xiang Lui’s love and kindest heart is actually louder than his words. He might have a bad temper due to him being a 9 headed monster but the goodness in him could at par with.. More than him being alluring, his resilience, authenticity and ability for growth and reflection to move forward his commendable. The way he empowers XY to be courageous in facing her uncertainties and took risk live her life freely is nothing but moving. Xiang Liu thrives the most among the rest the fact that he is poor yet he is able to find creative wit of solutions to solve problems infact even XY. And he has been honest, he speaks honest truth. You mentioned he has a lot of emotional baggage, maybe or not. His character is very adaptable and one that thrives to move forward in every obstacle. Xiang Liu has a Emotional Intelligence and his mental strength is stronger than his powers. The way he comforts Xiao Yao at the expense of his pain and suffering. The way he is able to choose to do the right and chose to be right even when walking in the path of loneliness alone proves this. XL didnt crack and went mad. His resiliency, trutfulness his ever enduring love with XY are what sets him apart from the start
This is exactly how I feel about him, too. There are several times that I wish he had spoken up because I think if he had, she would have gone with him, but even then, he put her first. He knew that Tushan Jing would always be in her heart and that Cuan Xuan would always be her priority, demonstrating his high emotional intelligence. Xiang Lui loved her too much to put his desires before her so even when he pulled her close, he then pushed her away. He should be the one she chooses but because he loves her, he will never let himself be chosen.
if I WERE Xiao Yao, who would I pick to be MY man?
Feng Long – is an afterthought, rather a convenience that means expect to LIVE THE REST OF YOUR LOONG DEITY LIFE, living with a man-child boy- drinking partner- unimaginative yawn “buddy” BORING, you’ll both be senseless alcoholics. I’d rather marry the sister, she has balls! So this guy is out.
Xiang Liu – he is SEXY, EXCITING, and MEMORABLE… HOWEVER, you never know what to expect from him and there’s the possibility that he can become DANGEROUS later on. He is deeply attracted to XiaoYao at the moment but unto when? Marriage with him would mostly be a turbulent/ disastrous relationship later on. GIVEN HER PLAYFUL PERSONALITY, He spells abuse and heartache for her. So, he is a no-no as well.
She loves Tushan JinG, alas he is WEAK. Until someone confesses the child is not his, he is her LOST YOU FOREVER!
MY BEST CHOICE IS Cang Xuan. She can be herself with him. He knows her. They understand each other although it is taking a while for her to see how very much he is madly in love with her! Meanwhile, He has been waiting patiently and hurting deeply until she realizes it. He needs to make a move or at least hint his feelings to her! He is da MAN! my best choice. For her.
But i am sorry to tell you Xiang Liu is the reason why the drama named LOST YOU FOREVER😂 even the poster the novel gifted is XiangLiu and her.
Lost you forever In original chinese name have XiangLiu’s name (Xiang) on it.
He is the one
If I had to choose I would prefer her to be alone , she has a very good personality is independent and strong .
Xiang Liu is too complex and difficult to deal with (at least in this season that’s the image he has shown), Cang Xuan has more of a family relationship with the protagonist and I think it’s the role that fits him the best also in some episodes he gives me kind of a bad vibe I don’t know how to explain it but I think that he lies when he claims that whishes xiao Yao happiness I think he is very selfish and only wants his “sister” happines if that implies being with him.
The last dude that she is going to marriage honestly I think she is just wasting her time with someone she knows she will never love , if you want a friend have one but don’t marry him,marrying for strategic purposes is only beneficial in the short term
Masing-masing punya kelebihan dan kekurangannya, tapi cuma Tushan Jin yg rela melepaskan segalanya (kekayaan dan kekuasaan) untuk melarikan diri bersama xiaoyao
For me, Cang Xuan is the real deal. He is a man who keeps promise, which makes him a trust-worthy guy. He is loyal and not interested in playing with other girls. His eyes is only set on the woman that holds his heart, and that is Xiao Yao. Hence, the reason behind most of what he does is for her. He sees the big picture. He understand that in order for his love ones to live a happy life, they should have a peaceful place to live in. His love is patient and he is a gentleman. He can put his feelings aside for Xiao Yao just to see her happy. Just like what Kath said, he knows Xiao Yao the most. With him, Xiao Yao can be true to her self and doesn’t need to pretend. He isn’t up for cheap thrills. His direction in life is up for greater purpose. That’s why the woman who’ll be with him will share an exciting life with him. They will have many stories to share regarding their ventures. There will be no dull moments. Him doing his thing, and her doing her own thing. But if Xiao Yao ends up with Tushan Jing, it’s going to be a bore. Because Jing just wants to be with Xiao Yao. Eventually, they’ll run out of things to say. Xiang Liu, on the other hand could also be a good choice but a risky one. They will have an exciting, fun-filled life. However, there will be no assurance that Xiang Liu will always treat Xiao Yao well given Xiang Liu’s unpredictable temper and different stand. Where as Cang Xuan is always understanding and tolerable towards Xiao Yao. So I believe, Cang Xuan is the best ML for her. He is worthy of all the love.
Ups! Let’s wait for second season (or read the novel) and you’ll know. Cang Xuan is not what you think. Y’all failed to read characters’ true nature and it shows (you comments about Jing and Xiang Lu are vain).
Oops! Typo. I mean tolerant😁
A minha escolha seria o Xiang Liu, e isso se deve por vários motivos. (Feng Long não é nem mesmo uma opção nesse comentário)
Primeiramente, o Tushang Jing é fraco, ele pode ser inteligente e ter uma personalidade adorável e encantadora, mas não vale de nada se ele nem mesmo tem a força de vontade para acabar com o próprio noivado
Segundamente, a personalidade de Cang Xuan não me agrada, acho ele sem sal, realmente mais como um irmão, e sem contar a falta de atitude, se ele ama a Xiao Yao não se casaria com outra por política.
Terceiramente, Xiang Liu tem os dois atributos que faltam em Tushang Jing e Cang Xuan, além de tudo, acredito que a segunda temporada trará muito mais sobre ele, já que dos três ele é o que teve a história menos explorada.
Google Translation:
My choice would be Xiang Liu, and this is due to several reasons. (Feng Long is not even an option in this comment)
Firstly, Tushang Jing is weak, he may be intelligent and have a lovely and charming personality, but he is worthless if he doesn’t even have the willpower to end his own engagement.
Secondly, I don’t like Cang Xuan’s personality, I think he’s dull, really more like a brother, and not to mention his lack of attitude, if he loves Xiao Yao he wouldn’t marry someone else out of politics.
Thirdly, Xiang Liu has the two attributes that Tushang Jing and Cang Xuan lack, besides everything, I believe that the second season will bring much more about him, since of the three he has the least explored story.
Nah, you “analysis” is dull. You clearly don’t know anything about the characters. Lol! Watch again and then try again.
The point is that there are more important aspects than love in the world of Lost You Forever, but like Xiao Yao, you think it only exists in black and white and forget about the gray. You live in a bubble where you think love can solve everything when it is clearly not true. That is why Xiao Yao is the one who was about to lose forever, she was going to lose herself by living in fantasies.
Xiang liu.
The name of the novel have the same name with Xiang Liu in Chinese Lost you(xiang liu) Forever.
They love each other.
Yup! Xinag Liu is her soul mate, he understood that loving doesn’t mean being together. They both loved each other but were aware that their love was unattainable because the world is not free to live it.
For me: Tushan Jing. Jing is NOT a boring character. He’s as complex as Xiao Yao and no one calls her boring.
Jing was born high class, talented and handsome, thus even though not ill intended he assumed superiority of his own existence. Then his world changed. He went through immense physical and mental torture that left him broken both in and out. His parents are dead, and the person who made him this ways is his own twin brother. Xiao Yao was abandoned but Jing was tortured. His enemy is his own family.
He look shy but he’s the bravest and most assertive suitor out of all three. He often puts himself down and has low self esteem around Xiao Yao but he’s the only one confident enough to be honest. He’s confident enough to confess and continue to pursue even when he knows he can be rejected. He looks obedient but he’s the most coy out of the three and knows when he can push and pull with Xiao Yao. He’s not kind to Xiao Yao because he’s kind. But he wants to give her the best he’s got. He knows what she desires and tried to give her what she wants. The other suitors has other priorities over XY, but Jing’s priority is XY.
Beside acting like a puppy around Xiao Yao, and trying to rebuild his self love piece by piece, he is also smart and capable, running the most successful family business in their world, while silently support Xuan. He is able to do a lot without letting anyone know. To be successful in business – one need to be smart and cunning so Jing obviously got it in spade. But he is able to it quietly which mean he is wise and know how to lay low. He is not kind for kindness sake. This same wise person is also able to understand that revenge will not give him peace. And frankly, beside his grandma who will die soon, his twin brother is the only family he have left.
He got so many things going on, so many past scars and current torture that still lingers. I get some people find his romance with Xiao Yao “boring”, perhaps because he’s the most direct of them all. He’s not playing games, not hiding, so you’re not guessing anything with him. He’s a very reliable person and husband.
Ye Shiqi! He’s the only one Xiaoyao truly allowed into her heart. She missed the innocence of her youth and grieved the loss of kindness and warmth in the world. In Ye Shiqi, she found there are still kind and warm people in the world…just like her.
She likes to say how hardhearted and cold she is, but she picked up two orphans and a runaway soldier! She loved Shiqi because she saw in him, the part of her she thought she’d lost.
She hearts him, from when he protected her from the melting candle wax. She behaves girly around him, even as Wen Xiaoliu. In many sense, she dated him for many years as Wen Xiaoliu before she became Xiaoyao. That’s why she felt such a great sense of loss when he transformed into Tushan Jing. She thought he could be the long term companion for her, amongst her mortal family.
Tushan Jing, unfortunately, having experienced losing her trust once when he disobeyed her as Shiqi, no longer dares to not listen to her, in case he loses her again. This leads to a failed partnership between them. He continues acting like a servant, doing everything she asks without question. Going even above and beyond, helping Cuan xuan ascend to the throne, and giving many free favours to Xiangliu (despite suspecting they have an affair).
Like a servant, he obeys her every request, seeking zero answers, but this leads to a failed romance, since Xiaoyao says many things she doesn’t mean.
Having said that, the one she truly lost is Xiangliu. There are many What Ifs in their relationship. What if Xiangliu wasn’t saved by his Foster father but she was the one who saved him (like Ye Shiqi)? What if Xiangliu did not have to be responsible for the Chenrong army? These ‘What-Ifs’ stop her from fully giving away her heart to Xiangliu. Xiangliu is also abusive and temperamental. He’s like the snake demon she toys with to relieve boredom. And she does that to relieve boredom in between waiting for Tushan Jing.
Unfortunately, she dares not take the risk of a heartbreak, so she can’t with a knowing mind choose Xiangliu. But her heart yearns for XiangLiu to be rescued by her, instead of Hong Jiang. So Xiangliu can be her Ye Shiqi.
I can already see that Xiang Liu is Xiao Yao’s “lost you forever” They literally can never be together. I bet he’s gonna die for her, once the secret of her sharing the love bug with him is out. Xiao Yao is his weakness. All the rest of her world’s men are too normal and typical, bound by responsibilities and power struggles; while XL just needs to be free from his debt. Once it is done, he’ll either die for the one he loves, or leave for the sake of the one he loves.
All the men around her are all for political reasons. It may be romantic at first, but the pattern is the same. Only the demon XL is like the fleeting firework show, way different from the world she is in right now.