I’m watching The Night Of The Comet 2 (慧星来的那一夜 II) after sitting through 3 costume dramas in a row before this with the last one being Dance Of The Phoenix. I think I need a break from them which is why I decided to indulge in this one now which I presume would be light-hearted and an easy watch. Or, at least, I hope it would be since it is supposed to be a rom-com. The Night Of The Comet 2 review will follow once I have completed this 20-episode drama which shouldn’t take me too long with my binge-watching habit! 😄
Contents Table
Episode 1
2 people are seen scuba diving. A woman is having difficulties and the man is trying to help her. A vortex appears and sweeps the man away into a parallel universe. But It it all began 2 months earlier.
Lin Sen He is a domineering CEO of Lam Group while Bai Xiao Xin is a graduating student looking for a job. She has been doing live streaming as a v-logger. Sen He was looking for newcomers to be tourism anchors for the launching of his company’s Sanming Island resort. Xiao Xin got hired when she lied during the interview including her love for diving. She spent a few weeks doing intensive training with other anchors before being sent to Sanming Island for the launching.
The anchors were split up to cover different areas of the resort. Xiao Xin was chosen to live stream the diving activity which is the most important attraction. She will need to dive with Sen He to record the underwater view. However, she has no diving experience. Hence, Xiao Xin misled the front desk to get a key into Sen He’s suite to use the swimming pool to practice.
Sen He arrived earlier than expected with his good friend and Vice President, You Qing Ze, to find Xiao Xin in his swimming pool. He was furious that she had lied but there was no backup anchor to take over her role. They went ahead as schedule. While underwater, Xiao Xin faced difficulties as her tank went empty. Sen He helped her but she was already passing out. Then, a vortex appeared and they were swept away.
Episode 2
Xiao Xin survives the vortex. But Sen He gets sucked in and travels to a parallel universe that takes him back to the first time he met Xiao Xin. However, Xiao Xin cannot remember him and insists it is the first time that they are meeting. During the interview, she says the same thing as before. Sen He knows she is lying and has her kicked out of the interview. Xiao Xin is feeling furious when Qing Ze almost knocks her down in his car. She has a crush on him and got his business card which she mistakenly discards onto the nearby plants.
Sen He decides to postpone the resort opening. He wants to investigate the magnetic field in the resort’s diving spot known as the Blue Cave. His assistant, Xiao Lan, decides to take leave after hearing about the postponement which leaves him feeling disorganized. Sen He finds out that he is now in a parallel universe and wonders if he has died in the other universe.
Xiao Xin goes back to look for Qing Ze’s business card. Sen He almost runs into her in his car. He offers her a ride home. But he gets flashes of an accident coming up with her in the car. Sen He then asks her to get down and hails her a taxi instead. Xiao Xin is flabbergasted by his attitude. He gives her some money through the phone for the fare.
Sen He meets up with Qing Ze. Xiao Xin sends a message to Qing Ze while he is cooking for Sen He who blocks her thinking it is a scammer. Sen He tells Qing Ze about his parallel universe theory and his gut feeling that he will die in a diving accident during the resort opening.
Episode 3
Sen He asks Qing Ze to help him in avoiding the same tragedy. Qing Ze thinks Sen He is under too much work pressure. None of the office staff is able to satisfy Sen He’s unreasonable demands to be his assistant. Qing Ze bumps into Xiao Xin at a restaurant and thinks she will make a good choice to replace Xiao Lan. He asks her to attend the interview to be the CEO’s assistant.
Xiao Xin arrives at the office. All the staff encourage her to sign the employment contract. Xiao Xin signs it since the pay is high and then only she finds out that the CEO is Sen He. Sen He wants Xiao XIn to leave immediately too. However, she demands for compensation for being fired without reason to get back at him. Sen He lets her stay with the plan to find fault with her to get her fired. But Xiao Xin doesn’t want to give him that satisfaction. She follows the manual Qing Ze gives her on the exact things she needs to do to meet Sen He’s obsessive compulsive standards.
Sen He gets his subordinate to oversee the checks for the magnetic field in Blue Cave. He complains to Qing Ze that he is worried bad things will happen sooner if he keeps dangerous factors around him. Later, both Sen He and Xiao Xin have the same nightmare of being in a vortex while diving. Xiao Xin is saved while Sen He gets swept away when he pushes her away from the vortex.
Episode 4
Xiao Xin tells her friend, Dan Dan, that her nightmare feels very real. Sen He receives report that there is nothing unusual at Blue Cave. He doesn’t like Xiao Xin’s slides for a meeting and wants to fire her. Qing Ze doesn’t allow it as it would be hard to get him another assistant. His father, Mr. You, is the Executive Chairman. Mr. You tells Sen He that the shareholders are getting angry with the delay of the resort launch.
Xiao Xin is still having a girly crush on Qing Ze. Both Sen He and XIao XIn are stuck in the lift after working overtime when a man pushes the switch. He then proceeds to look for something in their office. Sen He is scared as they wait for help to arrive. Xiao Xin teases him. He warns her not to tell anyone about it after they have been rescued.
Sen He and Xiao Xin leave together in a taxi. She has to detour back to his house after he left his phone in the taxi. When she arrives, he is asleep on the couch and having a nightmare of her. He calls out Xiao Xin’s name. She gets close to him. When he wakes up all of a sudden, they panic and fall down on top of each other onto the floor. He pushes her and she knocks her head against the table. Sen He feels bad and cooks her noodles when he realizes she is hungry.
Before Xiao Xin leaves, Sen He gives her a bracelet with a bell and asks her not to take it off. She also can’t ride in the same lift and taxi with him. Her aunt’s comments remind her that her life is like a dog with the bell bracelet.
Episode 5
Sen He decides to attend a dinner party out of the blue. Xiao Xin has to collect his suit but his pants pocket is torn. Since the boutique has no replacement available, Xiao Xin keeps quiet about it. Sen He discovers it is torn only when he is up on stage for a speech. Xiao Xin tries to run away to avoid his wrath after his speech. Sen He wants to chase after her but sees a man whom he recognizes as the one who had tampered with Xiao Xin’s oxygen tank during their diving trip in the other universe.
Sen He chases after the man but lost him. He develops a severe headache. Xiao Xin bumps into her boss again who tells her that she will be fired. But she turns back halfway because she thought she should say goodbye to Qing Ze. Then, she decides she should eat all the food at the dinner function since it will be her last working day. Sen He asks for an investigation on the mysterious man. Xiao Xin eats too much and ends up feeling sick.
Sen He sends her home and carries her to the door. He is afraid she might be in danger because of the mysterious man. Her aunt, Zhen Zhen, invites Sen He up to their apartment and starts throwing sob stories to try to get Sen He to date Xiao Xin. Xiao Xin’s parents have died since she was young. Both of them start talking about parallel universe and Sen He is surprised that Xiao Xin believes in the theory. She even has a book about it and gives it to Sen He as a parting gift. She misses her parents and hope they are happy wherever they may be.
Episode 6
Sen He’s parents also died when he was young in a shipwreck. He tells Qing Ze that he regrets treating Xiao Xin badly and sends her a message that she isn’t fired. But Xiao Xin is already asleep. She is having the same diving nightmare with someone from the Lam Group saving her.
The next morning, Xiao Xin gets a call to go to work. She thinks her future lover could be someone working in Lam Group based on her dream. She decides to continue in her job. None of the personnel at the resort’s diving club matches the mysterious man. Sen He orders for further investigation including on the diving equipment.
Sen He wants to treat Xiao Xin better but uses the wrong method. He asks her to go and buy take away as a treat but she thinks he is torturing her. Qing Ze explains to her that Sen He lost his parents very early and he doesn’t know how to make friends. Instead, Sen He only knows how to give others what he likes. Xiao Xin and Qing Ze are now more like good friends.
Sen He fires You Zi Mo for buying substandard diving equipment. Zi Mo is Qing Ze’s cousin. Mr You calls Sen He’s grandfather, Old Man Lin, to intervene. He gives his grandson a choice of launching the resort or getting married when Sen He refuses to reinstate Zi Mo. Sen He chooses to launch the resort.
Zi Mo is dissatisfied with the firing. He warns Sen He and Xiao Xin to be careful. Sen He inspects a new batch of diving equipment. But he suffers headache with flashes of the diving accident while underwater in the pool. Xiao Xin jumps into the water to save him. The mysterious man appears.
Episode 7
The mysterious man is carrying a stun gun and the light makes Sen He falls unconscious. Help arrives to pull Sen He out of the water. Xiao Xin pumps his chest to make him wake up. Sen He dreams of his dead parents. When he opens his eyes, the mysterious man with a stun gun appears in his sight again. He screams and becomes fully awake to find himself on the hospital bed with Xiao Xin at his bedside. He demands to get discharged.
Sen He agrees for his subordinate to protect him covertly. He knows someone is after him and feels sorry for inadvertently dragging Xiao Xin into the mess. Xiao Xin is beginning to care about Sen He and worried about his health with his headaches. She reasons he should live longer since she has saved him. But he refuses to listen to her demands to go for a full check-up. So, she tricks him to go to the hospital and then creates a scene until he agrees to have a scan. The doctor gives him a clean bill of health.
Xiao Xin gives Sen He some health supplements as per her aunt’s suggestion. She also includes a smartwatch to monitor his heartbeat which she has connected to her phone. But she gets a scare whenever her phone beeps which is often since he is constantly scolding his staff. When her phone beeps again at night and she couldn’t get in touch with Sen He, she rushes to his house. She climbs in and triggers the alarm. Sen He is irritated with her and asks her to sleep in his house for the night.
Xiao Xin couldn’t sleep and goes to the toilet. She hears noises coming from the bathtub.
Episode 8
Xiao Xin finds Sen He sleeping in the bathtub which is his way of overcoming his insomnia. She sprains her ankle while getting out of the bathroom. Sen He helps her to apply an ice pack and begins to feel shy when he catches her staring at his chest. He abruptly leaves her to get back to his room. Xiao Xin can see his heartbeat rising from her phone.
The next morning, Xiao Xin oversleeps. Sen He has already prepared a packed breakfast for her which makes her feel warm. He asks her to pick the winning bid for an entertainment project for the resort. Xiao Xin picks the Romantic Lover proposal. The boss of the winning bidder happens to be Qin Zhi Yun. Xiao Xin learns from Qing Ze that Zhi Yun is Sen He’s ex-girlfriend and first love. They broke up over an unspoken misunderstanding. Zhi Yun now has a son, Lin Lin, and she mentions to Sen He that she is divorced.
Lin Lin has the same characteristics as Sen He which makes Xiao Xin suspicious that the boy could be his son. She also thinks Sen He may not have gotten over Zhi Yun because his heartbeat increases when he is with her. So, Xiao Xin decides to play matchmaker for their sake. She asks Zhi Yun about her ideal date. For the next project meeting, Xiao Xin volunteers to stay back to take care of Lin Lin to allow Sen He and Zhi Yun to go together. She ends up having a pillow fight with Lin Lin.
Episode 9
Sen He and Zhi Yun proceed to dinner after the meeting. Xiao Xin has arranged everything to match Zhi Yun’s idea of a romantic date. But it makes Sen He uncomfortable. Xiao Xin is also wondering if her arrangement isn’t satisfactory because Sen He’s heartbeat doesn’t show any excitement. When they return, Xiao Xin is fast asleep on Lin Lin’s bed. Sen He carries her and brings her back to his house.
The next morning, Xiao Xin wakes up to find Sen He’s clothes around her which gives her a scare. Her aunt also calls to scold her. Sen He has informed Zhen Zhen that Xiao Xin has spent the night at his house. He wants to get back at Xiao Xin for her unwelcome matchmaking arrangement. For the field trip to the resort, Xiao Xin tries to pull the 2 of them together although she also experiences an inexplicable jealousy.
Xiao Xin excuses herself to give them a chance to be alone at a romantic setting. Zhi Yun tiries to kiss Sen He but he pushes her away at the last minute because Xiao Xin’s face appears in his mind. The mysterious man is also secretly snapping their photos. Xiao Xin is feeling restless. Her aunt suggests that she asks Sen He directly about his feelings.
The next day is Xiao Xin’s birthday. She is expecting a gift from Sen He as his assistant. But Xiao Xin is disappointed when he didn’t give her any and in fact, scolded her when she asked about him and Zhi Yun. Sen He is confused and tells Qing Ze that he was thinking of someone else when Zhi Yun tried to kiss him. Xiao Xin goes with her friends to a nightclub to celebrate her birthday.
Episode 10
Xiao Xin notices Zi Mo in the nightclub. She is recording his conversation with Ma Ru Bin. Zi Mo wants Ru Bin to spread negative news about Sen He through his media company. Xiao Xin and her 2 friends are caught. She sends a SOS message to Qing Ze who is with Sen He. Sen He rushes there and punches Zi Mo to save Xiao Xin and her friends.
Sen He is angry with Xiao Xin for putting herself in such danger. He also doesn’t like her heavy make-up and gets her to remove it. Xiao Xin keeps teasing him that he is old in return with their 10-year age gap. He sends her home and gives her a lolly as her birthday gift. Sen He’s covert bodyguard notices the mysterious man but lost his trail. He reports to Sen He that the man seems to be following Xiao Xin. Sen He wants him to keep Xiao Xin safe.
News about Sen He and Zhi Yun circulate which makes Xiao Xin feel a little sad. Old Man Lin invites Zhi Yun and Lin Lin over for lunch to Sen He’s surprise. But Zhi Yun clarifies that Lin Lin is not Sen He’s son and that there is nothing between them. Sen He’s grandfather is disappointed. Lin Lin also tells Xiao Xin that Sen He is a lousy partner for his mother. Sen He points out to Xiao Xin that there can be nothing between him and Zhi Yun as he doesn’t want her to create anymore trouble.
Everyone in the office is gossiping about Sen He and Zhi Yun. Xiao Xin is worried that more rumors will surface. She asks Dan Dan for the recording at the nightclub.
Episode 11
Qing Ze asks his father to look into the negative publicity on Sen He which could affect the resort project. But Mr. You seems reluctant to intervene. He finally agrees when Qing Ze insists. Sen He is indifferent towards the rumors but Xiao Xin has the recording of Zi Mo’s conversation with Ru Bin.
Zhi Yun bids Xiao Xin goodbye as she would be leaving for Shanghai. She declines to see Sen He to prevent more rumors. She also gives Xiao Xin a card from Lin Lin who wishes her and Sen He to be together. Sen He offers Xiao Xin a day off as a birthday gift. Qing Ze asks Sen He whether he is falling for Xiao XIn but he denies it. Zi Mo gets reprimanded by a man in the shadows when the negative news on Sen He is neutralized with Xiao Xin’s recording.
Sen He wakes Xiao XIn up the next day to bring her to a park for fishing. Some of their interactions make them feel awkward due to the perceived intimacy. He sends her back at night and senses someone around. But no one can be seen. A man breaks into Xiao Xin’s house while she is sleeping and takes away a USB from her handbag. He Feng chases after him but lost the fight. The man escapes and gives the USB to a man.
Sen He is worried when Xiao Xin doesn’t pick up the phone. He rushes over. Then only Xiao Xin and her aunt realize someone had broken in. A police report is made. Her aunt asks Sen He to stay overnight with them. He ends up sleeping on the floor in Xiao Xin’s room. In the morning, Xiao Xin falls down the bed onto Sen He when his phone rings.
Episode 12
Xiao Xin immediately moves away from Sen He. Back at the office, someone has used the company’s confidential information to report to the authorities about perceived problems in their resort project. Mr. You accuses Xiao Xin of leaking the information with her USB backup copy which is quietly put back on her desk.
Sen He offers to give up half of his shares if their share price doesn’t rebound once the resort is launched to appease the board members. Co-workers are gossiping about Xiao Xin’s betrayal. Sen He scolds them. He trusts Xiao Xin while she promises to always stand on his side.
Xiao Xin decides to drop by Sen He’s house after work. But she leaves when she overhears Sen He denying to Qing Ze that he likes her and calls her a troublemaker. Qing Ze advises him to give Xiao Xin a break or transfer for her own good. The next day, Xiao Lan is back to take over Xiao Xin’s duties. Xiao Xin chooses to resign and then learns that Sen He is just protecting her.
The mysterious man is told to finish off his job. Sen He is now worried that Xiao Xin can’t find another job and writes a recommendation letter for her. He turns up at her apartment and changes all her appliances to new ones to make her feel grateful like Qing Ze suggested. This trips the switch and causes a blackout. She hugs him reflexively when he panics. When Sen He takes out the recommendation letter, her first thought is it is a love letter until he shows it to her.
When the power comes back on, they reach forward to blow out the candles and nearly kiss. Xiao Xin pulls back when a voice is heard while Sen He leaves.
Episode 13
Xiao Xin is having the same nightmare again. It dawns on her that the person who saved her in her dream is Sen He and he could be her lover. But she dismisses it the next day because she thinks he doesn’t like her anyway.
Sen He has got the authorities to review the island resort’s security. All of them are working hard to rush for the opening. Xiao Xin sees an online promotion for Sanming Island and signs up. On the launching day, Sen He gives a speech that the island resort was his father’s dream which began 20 years ago. Later, he walks around and notices Xiao Xin preparing to go for a dive. He bars her from the diving club.
Xiao Xin isn’t pleased. She runs from him and falls down. Sen He laughs at her. When she starts to cry and create a scene to fool him, he offers to accompany her to tour the island. Sen He brings her to another island nearby and spends the day with her. They have some fun moments together and he holds her hand at one stage. But when it is time to get back, he tells her that the boat has broken down and they have to spend the night there.
When Xiao Xin accidentally trips and falls, she knocks his chair over and lands on him. They end up nearly kissing. So, he ties her up in her chair to make her sit still. They start chatting and she tells him that her parents were from Sanming Island. Then, Sen He says that she is young and naive like a sheep which could be preyed upon while he is an old sheep that protects her. She teases him and calls him old daddy sheep to his annoyance.
Episode 14
Xiao Xin wakes up besides Sen He on the beach and looks at him. He turns and their lips meet before they spring away from each other. Sen He arranges for a suite for Xiao Xin when they are back on the main island. He finally admits to Qing Ze that he loves her and had fooled her that they were trapped on the small island.
Xiao Xin is also questioning herself whether she has fallen for Sen He. Sen He dreams of being in the water again while resting. When he awakens and couldn’t reach Xiao Xin, he ends up barging into her bathroom and sees her naked. Xiao Xin is mad at him. He placates her with room service and wine. A liquid is added to their wine serving bottle.
Mr. You is harming Sen He so that his son could succeed Lam Group. Qing Ze finds out when he drops by his father’s suite. He is rendered unconscious. Xiao Xin becomes drunk and falls asleep. Sen He has to fight off the mysterious man but is made unconscious with a stun gun. He Feng raises the alarm.
Sen He and Xiao Xin are brought aboard a yacht. They see Zi Mo who is seeking revenge for his firing. The mysterious man working for Mr. You demands from Xiao Xin her late father’s USB drive. Sen He comforts and kisses Xiao Xin before the man throws her overboard. He jumps in after her. Sen He reaches out and kisses her underwater. Then, a vortex appears again and they are back to their first meeting on interview day. Xiao Xin feels like she is hallucinating. Sen He kisses her the moment he sees her but she gives him a slap instead.
Episode 15
Xiao Xin cannot remember Sen He. But this time, he hires her immediately to be the promotional ambassador of Sanming Island. He also tells her that she looks like his old friend who has died. Xiao Xin is perplexed too as the picture in her mind of the man kissing her while underwater looks like Sen He.
Sen He now knows that he has to find out more about Xiao Xin’s father and the USB drive. He also suspects that Mr. You is the mastermind because only a high-ranking personnel can remove his security detail. Sen He orders He Feng to investigate and assign bodyguards for him and Xiao Xin. He needs to catch the mastermind this time to avoid getting caught in a perpetual loop.
Xiao Xin finds Qing Ze familiar and also seems to know some details about Sen He. Sen He tells Qing Ze that Xiao Xin is irksome to prevent them from getting close as he knows she has a crush on Qing Ze in the other universe. For the live streaming to promote Sanming Island, Sen He seems jealous when he bars her from wearing too sexily and responding sweetly to male viewers. When he carries Xiao Xin down the stairs to avoid getting stuck in the lift as before, she feels a sense of familiarity.
Sen He tries to confess to her but gets rejected. But the scene seems so real that she becomes curious if they know each other in another time and space. For the same dinner party, Sen He now brings Xiao Xin as his date to lure the mysterious man out.
Episode 16
Sen He dances with Xiao Xin and her heart begins to melt. But there is no sign of the reporter as per the previous occasion. The mysterious man was also sucked into the vortex with them and is now a waiter instead. Sen He asks He Feng to send Xiao Xin home. He also asks her to change into a pair of sneakers first. Xiao Xin is surprised that Sen He knows there are stairs on the way to her apartment. She could see him carrying her up those stairs before.
Sen He didn’t fire Zi Mo this time which Mr. You finds to be unexpected. He buys drinks and food for Xiao Xin and leave them outside the live streaming room. Zhi Yun encourages him to confess directly to Xiao Xin. Xiao Xin ends up sick after consuming too much of the drink that Sen He bought. He rushes over to take care of her at home. Sen He quietly kisses her when she is asleep.
Sen He doesn’t know what to give Xiao XIn for her birthday. Zhi Yun suggests taking time to surprise her. Xiao Xin finds Zhi Yun in Sen He’s office and leaves to go to the nightclub with her friends. Sen He surprises her by joining them there. He ends up being tipsy. Sen He tells her they have met in a parallel universe and gives her a couple bracelet to signify he is hers. He directly confesses that he loves her and kisses her then.
Episode 17
Sen He wakes up the following day and is unsure of Xiao Xin’s answer the night before because he was drunk. He Feng reports that Xiao Xin’s father died in a fire just before construction on Sanming Island began. Her father was the islanders’ representative.
Xiao Xin has agreed to be Sen He’s girlfriend but she wants to keep it low key. However, they still get seen having lunch together. Hence, Sen He announces it on social media. Dan Dan is feeling envious of their sweetness when Sen He rushes over and hugs her because he thought he saw the mysterious man during a video call. Sen He tries to ask Xiao Xin about her father’s USB drive but she is clueless. He wants her to live in his house for safety reasons but she rejects it as they have just started dating.
However, Xiao Xin sees his aunt bringing a man home. So, she ends up at Sen He’s house anyway. They spend the following day on the island and watching a horror movie at home during the night. Sen He gets scared and throws the popcorn all over. He has to help Xiao Xin to wash it off her hair. Both of them get wet and end up kissing when Xiao Xin tries to towel dry Sen He.
Mr. You and his underling are also after the USB drive. Sen He asks his grandfather for his father’s records on the Sanming Island project. He sees Xiao Xin’s father’s name in the notes.
Episode 18
Sen He doesn’t allow Xiao Xin to dive for a live stream. But he changes his mind when he realizes that she could save herself if she knows how to dive. However, he gets mad when Xiao Xin pranks him by pretending to die while learning. She has to use various means to try to say sorry. Sen He finally relents when she falls and sprains her ankle.
Xiao Xin accompanies him to watch a movie of his choice. During an intimate scene, she moves in and kisses Sen He. But he stops it. He thinks she is still young and they should be married first. She gets excited to hear him mention marriage. He carries her back to her room after she falls asleep on the couch and kisses her forehead.
Mr. You tells his underling that they can’t allow Sen He to get the USB drive first. Xiao Xin discovers a monitoring device in her phone. She shows it to Sen He who gets bodyguards to protect her. He scolds her when the bodyguards lost sight of her and she isn’t contactable for a short while. Xiao Xin is unhappy that he has been so harsh. Sen He makes it up to her with an apology message and red packet.
He Feng manages to find an old islander who said that Xiao Xin’s father was burnt to death and everyone was silent thereafter. The mysterious man is Huang Wei De who was supposed to have died in a shipwreck with Sen He’s parents. He used to work in Lam Group. All the senior people who were involved in the project back then have died except for Mr. You. Sen He goes to see Xiao Xin and simply hugs her and says sorry.
Episode 19
Sen He tells Xiao Xin and her aunt the whole story and the need to look for the USB drive. Sen He notices an old photo of her parents standing under a tree on a hiking trail on Sanming Island. He suspects her father had buried the USB drive there. Sen He and Xiao Xin hikes along the trail to reach the tree. They dig around and find the USB drive. Wei De appears and fights with Sen He. Xiao Xin swaps the USB drive and tricks Wei De. He Feng also shows up to protect Sen He. Wei De runs away with the wrong drive.
The USB drive that Xiao Xin’s father had left behind contains voice recordings. It proves that their parents were both killed by Mr. You who had been harassing the islanders to get the development going. His thugs had caused Xiao Xin’s mother’s death. Mr You tried to buy off Xiao Xin’s father but the latter had informed Sen He’s father instead. Mr. You then killed Sen He’s parents as well when they went to Sanming Island to inspect what was going on. He is now angry at Wei De for failing to get the USB drive. But Sen He still doesn’t have concrete evidence to link him to any murders.
Sen He proposes to Xiao Xin as he feels they are pre-destined to be together. He knows he will regret if he doesn’t propose. Xiao Xin says yes. Sen He’s grandfather gifts her with a pendant that is passed down from his late wife and a property that will be built as a reminder of her parents.
Episode 20
Sen He tells Qing Ze about his father’s evil doings. They are like brothers to each other as they grew up together. Xiao Xin thanks her aunt for raising her. Qing Ze tries to advise his father not to do anything that he will regret. He doesn’t want either him or Sen He to get harmed. But it is too late for Mr. You to turn back.
Xiao Xin tells Sen He that she has dreamt of him saving her at the bottom of the ocean before. But they both agree that even if their ending is tragic, they will have no regrets. They have their engagement ceremony the next day. Sen He reads from a prepared speech and appears nervous. Xiao Xin pulls him in for a kiss when he is too shy to do so.
At night, Mr. You gives the signal to attack the party. 2 people are tied up in a sack and brought to a container yard. Mr. You threatens Sen He with his and Xiao Xin’s life if he refuses to sign the document to re-assign his shares. But Mr. You is shocked when the second sack contains Qing Ze who has made prior arrangements to be the hostage instead as he doesn’t want his father to commit more wrongs. When Mr. You orders Wei De to kill Sen He, Qing Ze blocks it and gets injured. The police arrive and the bad guys are arrested. Xiao Xin is relieved to see Sen He is safe. He kisses her and she recalls their time in the alternate universe.
After the incident, Sen He and Xiao Xin are laying flowers on a memorial stone in honor of her parents. Qing Ze shows up to do the same. He has decided to leave Lam Group to find his calling elsewhere.
Xiao Xin tells Sen He that he must treat her well. Otherwise, she will go to Blue Cave to find a younger and better-looking man. However, Sen He informs her that Blue Cave is just a dimension door and time travel is only possible when a once-in-a-thousand year comet makes an appearance!
Other C-Dramas With Time Travel
The first Chinese drama that comes to mind when it involves a time travel theme is, of course, The Night Of The Comet 1. Although the title is the same, both Season 1 and 2 comprise totally different stories that are independent of each other. Even the cast have been changed. So, it doesn’t matter if you have watched this one first. You can still go back and watch the prequel if you are interested.
A time travel drama for 2020 would be Parallel Love. It stars Li Hong Yi who is also in Love Better Than Immortality which happens to have a cross-world element to it as well. Parallel Love is about a woman who travels 10 years back and has to help an immature man to become the CEO of his father’s company.
For a not so ordinary story, you can check out The Romance Of Tiger And Rose which is quite a popular rom-com for 2020. This one involves a woman who is trapped in the script that she has written for an actor. So, she is taken to another world set in ancient times and in a city where women rule over men. This is an entertaining drama that is certainly worth checking out.
Image Credit: MGTV
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