Put Your Head On My Shoulder (致我们暖暖的小时光) is a fun Chinese drama aimed at the younger crowd. Although there are no major ups and downs throughout the entire story, the drama still manages to attract a large fan base with its simple plot. Read Put Your Head On My Shoulder review below and perhaps you will have an idea whether you will end up as a fan of this production too. I will share my own verdict at the end of the review but before that, let me tell you more about the characters and plot.
Episodes: 24
Type: Romance
Aired: April 2019
Images Credit: QQLive
The Cast
- Fair Xing Fei as Si Tu Mo – a final year undergraduate accounting student
- Lin Yi as Gu Wei Yi – a final year undergraduate physics student
- Daddi Tang Xiao Tian as Fu Pei – Wei Yi’s dorm mate
- Zheng Ying Chen as Wang Shan – Tu Mo’s dorm mate
Main Characters

Si Tu Mo
Tu Mo is a senior accounting student in university who shares a dorm with 3 other girls. While she is studying accounting, her interest actually lies in advertising. In her final year in university, she has to do her thesis as well as work as an intern in the commercial sector. Tu Mo is portrayed as an easy-going and innocent girl in the drama with feelings for Fu Pei in the initial stages.
Gu Wei Yi
Wei Yi is a smart physics student with a very high IQ. However, his personality is on the nerdy side and he tends to be very direct instead of being tactful. He will explain common behaviours and actions in a scientific manner that others might find weird. But with his brains and good looks, he still has his fair share of admirers among the girls. He shares a dorm with 3 other guys in the university but he also has a place of his own outside.
Fu Pei
Fu Pei is one of Wei Yi’s dorm mates and friend. He is a fickle-minded guy who seemed to be stringing Tu Mo along. However, Fu Pei is also depicted as someone with insecurities due to his parents break-up and poor relationship with his rich father.
Wang Shan
Wang Shan shares a dorm with Tu Mo and is one of her good friends. She has a matured and studious personality. Along the way, she started to fall in love with Fu Pei despite his flaws.
Tu Mo, Wei Yi, Fu Pei, and Wang Shan are senior students at the same university. Tu Mo and Fu Pei have known each other since high school and they have an understanding that they will be a couple once they graduate. So, while they do not officially have a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship on the surface, they do have some feelings towards each other in their heart.
However, Fu Pei tends to take Tu Mo for granted and hence, constantly let her down. Wei Yi came into the picture when he accidentally took Tu Mo’s school bag and vice-versa. They started to get to know each other from that incident onwards.
When Tu Mo managed to secure work as an intern in a company far from the university, her mother persuaded her to live in an apartment nearby. It so happens that Tu Mo’s mother and Wei Yi’s mother are old friends. The apartment is owned by Wei Yi’s parents and he stays there occasionally. Both the mothers’ plan was to matchmake their children.
Thus, Tu Mo was shocked when she discovers that Wei Yi is her housemate. They both have to learn to adjust to each other as they live together. To complicate matters, Fu Pei starts to fear the prospect of losing Tu Mo while Wei Yi begins to fall in love with her.
Put Your Head On My Shoulder Ending (Spoilers Alert!)
The final episode of Put Your Head On My Shoulder sees a happy ending. Wei Yi and Tu Mo got married in a simple church ceremony in Germany where the former was attending a 6-month exchange program. The last scene shows their son sitting on the couch acting bossy. Wei Yi and Tu Mo got to where they are after overcoming jealousy, communication, and trust issues along the way.
Fu Pei ended up with Wang Shan and proposed to her in the final episode. He also started his own business and refused to be continually bullied by his father. Wang Shan is the girl who gave Fu Pei emotional support and changed him into a better person when Tu Mo rejected him in episode 9. Tu Mo stopped loving Fu Pei because she couldn’t convince herself that he is worth it after all his empty promises and non-committal attitude.
Is Put Your Head On My Shoulder Worth Watching?
There are quite a lot of fans worldwide for this lighthearted mainland Chinese drama because the featured couple of Wei Yi and Tu Mo is cute and sweet. Their height difference also makes them very adorable to look at. The chemistry between the male and female lead is there and the interaction between the two looks natural and great to watch. The characters that they portrayed are very down-to-earth individuals with their eccentricities and flaws. This makes the drama realistic and more grounded rather than being fairytale-like which is a bit different from What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim.
The plot itself is simple and concentrates almost entirely on Wei Yi and Tu Mo. There are no twists and turns with sub-plots here and there. There are also no villains to hate. The whole drama merely details the very ordinary life of the main characters with their love problems. So, it is a fun and light drama that makes you feel good with positive vibes rather than leaving you with a rollercoaster of emotions from one episode to the next. If you like the female lead here, you might also like My Little Happiness although the male lead is not longer Lin Yi but Daddi Tang!
My Verdict
Having given you the reasons to watch Put Your Head On My Shoulder above, let me also tell you why I wouldn’t recommend you to watch it in this review. To be honest, I don’t really get the hype about this drama despite the cuteness overload. Maybe because I’m too old for this kind of stories that stretching a simple romance between two university students into 24 episodes is really dragging it too far for me.
I find that I have to force myself to sit through the entire drama because there is only so much I can take on how jealous, awkward and shy the two lovers are. This theme is played again and again throughout their dating process before they finally consummated their relationship in the last episode. I understand that others might find it cute, sweet and innocent but this repetitiveness just isn’t my cup of tea. Furthermore, the girl and the boy have been housemates for a period of time that the shyness part when it comes to physical intimacy just seems overdone.
So, my recommendation for this Put Your Head On My Shoulder review is to skip it unless you are a diehard college romance drama fan or love to watch cute couples. For me, even Hello Again!, a Taiwanese production, is a more interesting drama to watch in terms of storyline and the romantic feel.
I am 14 and to be honest this series has so much emotional parts to it that are so true and I really learned a lot about relationships in this. I know there’s more to dating but the amount of acceptance towards both Gu Wei and Stu Mo is so cute and I sobbed at the end of the last episode. (Yes I cry easily) but I really recommend watching it. Yes they do take a while to open up but their emotional bond is so heartwarming and the fact that they can’t open up to each other is so funny. This series will definitely make u laugh and cringe too. If ur into full on making out and more mature as in 17+ then it might bore u . But it’s an AMAZING show.
I agree with you..i completed this tv show yesterday only..and i found it so funny and romantic❤
Yes Yes! I totally recommend this Korean tv show. I finished it yesterday and I really enjoyed it. It teaches you many life experiences you might face through the future. I fell in love with Si Ti Mo’s personality, she’s so outgoing and like Gu Wei Yi stated in the last episode “ I always caught her smiling and giggling “ 💗💗💗 I just hope they create a second season 🥺 I wanted to see Fu Pei’s and Wang Shan’s wedding.
Loved it and enjoyed it to the end
I agree with this review. I too cannot understand the hype.
Pls post summary of my girlfriend is an alien
I truly enjoyed put your head on my shoulder series it was wonderful I’m probably watching it for the fourth time tonight I recommend this to so many other food loves a good love story
Love this series a lot.
I seriously recommend this to people ❤️❤️
Although I agree with previous comments that it did seem to drag on longer than necessary before they confessed, kissed, or even slept together, I still thought it was a cute show. Can someone please explain the very last scene though? Why did the child call them by those names and depicted as bossy? I was happy up to that very last second and then left with “huh?” 🤔