I don’t know how I will sit through 52 episodes of this mainland drama but I shall give it a go because of Allen Deng Lun. Many people have dropped this series halfway through and you can check out my Blossom In Heart review (海棠经雨胭脂透) as to the reason. If you are unsure if this is the drama to watch, perhaps the review plus the episode summary below will give you some idea as to the background and plot.
Episode 1
A man and a boy were on the run. The man gave a pendant to the boy and told him to run and look for his daughter named Gu Hai Tang. The man then turned to face his attacker while the boy kept running but slipped and fell into the river.
10 years later, Hai Tang is in Kunyang City looking for a job as well as her father. She is a make-up artist. Her mother and brother, Xia He, have just arrived to join her. She encounters Lang Yue Xuan whose family owns Lang Li Chun, a cosmetic business. They have a bad start which result in Hai Tang owing Yue Xuan some money. This forces Hai Tang to agree to attend the coming-of-age event the next day.
Commander Long is the city’s powerful military leader. Yue Xuan’s father, Lang Si Nian (Boss Lang), and Shi Ji Zhou (Boss Shi) are business rivals. Commander Long’s daughter, Long Mo Hua, has feelings for Yue Xuan. During the coming-of-age event, Hai Tang helps Mo Hua with her make-up and they get acquainted. When assassins show up later on, a commotion breaks out. During the confusion, Hai Tang helps to prevent the assassins from shooting Boss Lang as well as Mo Hua.
Episode 2
Commander Long arranged a fake assassination attempt just as a ruse to get the merchants to donate more money to him. However, there is another assassin who really wants Boss Lang dead due to business rivalry. Both Boss Lang and Boss Shi are vying for the Chairmanship of the Chamber of Commerce.
Boss Lang took notice of Mo Hua’s beautiful make-up during the coming-of-age event. He thinks the make-up artist would be an asset to Lang Li Chun and hence, tells Yue Xuan to try to identify and employ her. Meanwhile, in the Shi household, Boss Shi only has an adopted son, Di Wen, whom he finds useless. Di Wen is always hanging around Yue Xuan. He is not the smart type and always looking for fun.
Mo Hua and Hai Tang have become good friends. She manages to get a date with Yue Xuan who takes advantage of it to find out about her make-up artist. When he discovers she is Hai Tang, he tries to get her to work for his company but she rejects him. Hai Tang doesn’t like Yue Xuan one bit. However, a chance encounter with a Lang Li Chun’s worker, Uncle Quan, piques her curiosity. His gait reminds her of the man who was last seen with her father 10 years earlier.
Episode 3
Hai Tang decides to join Lang Li Chun and lines up for an interview. Yue Xuan notices her and singles her out. She is accepted as an employee and starts her training with the company. At the same time, Boss Shi has also sent someone to work at Lang Li Chun to sabotage their operations.
When Yue Xuan follows Hai Tang back to her house to give her some gifts for saving his father during the assassination attempt, he notices that she is a kind and generous person. Ladies are also starting to look for Hai Tang to do their make-up and one of them is Yi Rong Rong. However, an earlier misunderstanding with her brother and Rong Rong’s snobbish attitude turns her off. Hence, Hai Tang rejects Rong Rong’s request. In return, Rong Rong influences her father, a director of a school, to reject Xia He’s application to study there.
Yue Xuan discovers by chance that a shipment of their products has been compromised. Inferior ingredients have been used which affected its quality. Boss Lang orders Yue Xuan to pull back the shipment and get the workers work overtime to produce a new batch.
Episode 4
Boss Lang blocks the waterways to prevent supplies from reaching Boss Shi’s business to retaliate against the tampering of his products. He goes to warn Boss Shi that he will not be passive against attacks to his business and attempts on his life.
Hai Tang makes a mistake at work due to her worries over the school’s rejection of Xia He. Yue Xuan reprimands her but learns from Mo Hua later about Xia He’s case. He quietly helps Hai Tang by seeking out the school’s director for a talk. When Hai Tang finds out that Xia He has been accepted by the school because of Yue Xuan’s help, she tries to thank him. But Yue Xuan pretends not to have done anything helpful. The gossip among the workers is that there is a ghost in the Lang Mansion which helps to turn the flower dews in the garden into essence used in their rouge production. But the ghost needs to be fed with the blood of a Lang family member and that is why the youngest son has died.
When Hai Tang and her co-worker, Lu Fan Zhen, are asked to go to the Lang Mansion to comb Mrs. Lang’s hair, they get scared. The task used to be done by her daughter-in-law but Mrs. Lang is angry with her. There is a mysterious person lurking in the Lang Mansion though. When Fan Zhen hurts her hand, only Hai Tang remains to take on the task. Hai Tang tries to ask Uncle Quan, who is the family’s butler, more about his background but he is evasive.
Episode 5
Hai Tang gets acquainted with the Lang’s family daughter-in-law, Miao Lan, when she treats a minor cut on Miao Lan’s face. Miao Lan’s husband is Yue Yuan who has died for 15 years. She is an unhappy widow stuck in the Lang family. With Miao Lan being out of favour with Mrs. Lang, Hai Tang takes over her job to comb Mrs. Lang’s hair. Mrs. Lang immediately takes a liking for Hai Tang.
Yue Xuan’s younger sister, Qing Qing, is Xia He’s schoolmate. But she hates him for an earlier misunderstanding and plans to make things difficult for Hai Tang. Qing Qing also complains to Miao Lan about it. One night, a masked person makes an appearance at Hai Tang’s door. This lures Hai Tang out of her room and someone then spikes her drink. When she returns to her room, she drinks the water and faints. But she has the feeling that someone has caught her while she fell and put her into bed. Her curiosity about the ghost that resides in the western part of the garden increases and the possible relation to her father’s disappearance.
Mo Hua wants to go a charity dinner. She drags Hai Tang along. Yue Xuan notices her and they share a dance during the event. Later that night, curiosity gets the better of Hai Tang. She goes to the Western side of the garden and enters the secluded building.
Episode 6
A man in a half-mask observes Hai Tang. She finds out that someone is living there but he doesn’t allow her to see him. This man with a marred face is actually Yue Xuan’s elder brother. He relates to Yue Xuan that Qing Qing had scare Hai Tang earlier and he had helped Hai Tang when she fainted. The brother has been hiding from everyone for a long time because of his face. But Hai Tang is starting to make him realize that his world can be brighter rather than just languishing in misery.
The next day, Hai Tang goes to the secluded building with a pot of flowers. Yue Xuan’s brother is very happy although he still hides himself from her. He tells Yue Xuan that he likes Hai Tang and asks Yue Xuan to give her a poem that he has written but not reveal his identity. He is afraid his appearance will scare Hai Tang away. Yue Xuan himself is taken aback over his brother’s feelings for Hai Tang because he too seems to enjoy her company. Mrs. Lang increasingly likes Hai Tang and allows her to go home to see her family. Yue Xuan can see that his brother is depressed over Hai Tang’s departure.
As for Hai Tang, she assumes the poem is from Yue Xuan when he gives it to her and she is beginning to see him in a different light. Yue Xuan also starts to be protective of Hai Tang at work. When Mo Hua turns up at the workshop, she sees Yue Xuan stepping close to a girl.
Episode 7
Yue Xuan wipes a smear off Hai Tang’s lips. Mo Hua witnesses the incident and quietly runs off but her view of Hai Tang has been blocked. A co-worker is also jealous of Hai Tang. She causes Hai Tang to stumble and spills some flower essence. Master Shang, the workshop manager, penalizes all the staff for non-cooperation by deducting their pay. Hai Tang feels responsible and promises to bear their loss.
Yue Xuan tries to help Hai Tang by offering to lend her money. However, she rejects his offer as he gives the impression that he is merely helping an employee. Mo Hua also comes by to remind Hai Tang of her love for Yue Xuan. She tells Hai Tang to keep an eye on Yue Xuan for her. A moody Mrs. Lang scolds Hai Tang for being late the next morning. Yue Xuan appears and takes her away from his mother. He drives her to a flower field and they end up spending the day together and watching the stars at night. There are unspoken feelings between them.
Out of a sudden, the Lang family sends betrothal gifts to Hai Tang’s mother which she accepts. The assumption is that Yue Xuan wants to marry Hai Tang. She goes to the Lang Mansion to seek Yue Xuan for an explanation. Mo Hua arrives after finding out about the proposal and slaps Hai Tang. Yue Xuan scolds Mo Hua for doing so and asks Hai Tang to get into his car.
Episode 8
Hai Tang asks Yue Xuan about the betrothal gifts. Yue Xuan simply asks her to consider. That night, Mo Hua comes by to apologize to Hai Tang for slapping her. Hai Tang explains that the proposal happens in a very sudden and weird way. Mo Hua convinces Hai Tang to trade places on the wedding day. She will get into the sedan instead of Hai Tang so that she would end up marrying Yue Xuan. Hai Tang reluctantly agrees. After all, she still wants to investigate her father’s disappearance and Mo Hua is her good friend who has loved Yue Xuan all along.
The next day, Hai Tang tells Yue Xuan that she agrees to his proposal. Both of them seem to be guilty over the upcoming wedding as they toast each other over glasses of wine. That night, Yue Xuan drinks himself into a stupor. On the wedding day, Mo Hua drops by Hai Tang’s house and changes into the wedding costume. But Commander Long comes looking for his daughter with his soldiers and takes her home. When the sedan arrives, Hai Tang has no choice but to be the bride.
With faces covered for the wedding ceremony, Hai Tang has no idea that her husband is not Yue Xuan but his elder brother, Yue Ming. She only finds out later in the bridal chamber that she has been tricked. When Yue Ming’s half-mask falls off his face, Hai Tang screams and faints.
Episode 9
The plan for Yue Ming’s marriage to Hai Tang is thought by Mrs. Lang. She wants her son to lead a normal life and when she knows Yue Ming has feelings for Hai Tang, she sees hope. Mrs. Lang feels that Hai tang will be able to draw Yue Ming out of his isolation. To get the plan to work, she pleads with Yue Xuan to play along and help his brother. Yue Xuan is very reluctant as he also has feelings for Hai Tang. But the insistence of his mother and his brother’s misery force him to trick Hai Tang into marrying Yue Ming.
The day after the wedding, Hai Tang falls sick. Yue Ming starts to regret tricking Hai Tang into marriage. Mrs. Lang advises him that love can be slowly nurtured. Mo Hua throws a tantrum and forces her father to go over to the Lang Mansion to ask the family about the wedding. Boss Lang and his wife explain that the wedding is for his eldest son, Yue Ming, and not Yue Xuan. Yue Ming is a forgotten member of the family as his face is scarred due to an accidental fire years ago. Hence, he leads a secluded life as his situation brings shame to the family, especially when they are in the cosmetic business.
When Mo Hua learns of Hai Tang’s plight, she pays her a visit. While she is angry with Hai Tang for having feelings for Yue Xuan and getting onto the sedan on the wedding day, she also realizes that the Lang family has been deceiving.
Episode 10
Mo Hua pities Hai Tang and knows that she might well have been the victim. She agrees to help Hai Tang escape by stealing the key to the building from Uncle Quan. Yue Ming tells Hai Tang that he is sorry for not caring about her feelings by tricking her into marriage. He explains that he has changed because of her and only wants to get to know her better. When Mo Hua helps Hai Tang to escape after stealing the key, Yue Ming pretends to be asleep and let them go.
Yue Xuan is drinking outside Hai Tang’s house when she bumps into him on the way home after escaping from the Lang Mansion. He apologizes profusely to Hai Tang. She is angry with him for faking his feelings for her and his deception which has destroyed her life. The next morning, Mo Hua comes by to take Hai Tang to her house to prevent the Lang family from dragging Hai Tang back to their mansion.
Yue Ming is devastated by Hai Tang’s departure and isolates himself again. Mrs. Lang asks Yue Xuan to look for Hai Tang and bring her back. Yue Xuan goes to Hai Tang’s house only to be scolded by Xia He. When they find out that Hai Tang is in Commander Long’s house, Yue Xuan is sent over to talk to him. Commander Long asks Yue Xuan about his feelings for Mo Hua. Yue Xuan replies that he treats Mo Hua like a sister.
Episode 11
Yue Xuan asks Mo Hua about Hai Tang whereabouts. He sends word that Yue Ming is sick and wishes for Hai Tang to return to the Lang family. Hai Tang decides that she can’t hide forever. She meets Yue Xuan at the flower fields where they had their date earlier. Yue Xuan pleads with her to return to see Yue Ming who has been refusing to eat. He tells Hai Tang that he wants her to return because of his brother despite his own feelings for her. Hai Tang agrees to follow Yue Xuan back but she makes it clear that her intention is to get her divorce papers eventually.
Boss Lang is aware that Hai Tang is a smart lady who would be an asset to the family business. He also gets angry when he notices the hairpin that Mrs. Lang is using which relates to an incident from years ear;ier. During a combing hair session, Mrs. Lang relates to Hai Tang her sad story of the death of his son, Yue Yuan, due to illness, and the disfigurement of Yue Ming. As for Yue Xuan, he is adopted. He was picked up after the death of Yue Yuan. Yue Xuan was lost and couldn’t remember his parents when he was found by the roadside. Hai Tang tells Mrs. Lang that she forgives her for arranging her marriage to Yue Ming but she would still want a divorce.
Boss Shi wants his son to try to pursue Mo Hua to get close to Commander Long. So, Di Wen gets Yue Xuan to help him to arrange a date with Mo Hua.
Episode 12
Mo Hua refuses to go with Fatty. He ends up drinking with a moody Yue Xuan. Back home, Fatty reveals to his father about Yue Ming and why Yue Xuan is sad. Hai Tang asks Yue Ming about his scarred face. He relates that it happened due to an explosion 10 years ago. Yue Xuan wanted to go to the workshop to have a look. They ended up mixing and heating the oils and essence. When an explosion occurred, Yue Ming protected Yue Xuan which resulted in his scars. Since then, Yue Xuan has been feeling guilty over the incident which is why he will do all he can to make up to his brother.
Yue Ming’s birthday is approaching. Hai Tang is still unable to get Mrs. Lang to agree to the divorce. But she still decides to arrange a celebration for Yue Ming and bakes him a cake. But Qing Qing destroys it when she throws a tantrum over the inconveniences she has caused Yue Xuan. Hai Tang has told Yue Xuan to bring her 3 things if he wants to make up for his mistake. He manages to get 2 of them.
Commander Long has a cache of ammunitions that he wants to sell for money. So, he works with Hua Ji Li. Then, he threatens Boss Shi to cooperate since the assassin hired by Boss Shi to kill Boss Lang is in his hands. When the Flower God gala is to be held, Boss Shi fights with Boss Lang for the right to organize it.
Episode 13
Boss Shi hints to Boss Lang about Yue Ming. Then, he goes to see Commander Long for support to hold the Flower God gala. Commander Long is just interested in money and sees Boss Shi as someone he can use to control Boss Lang. In the end, a vote is held by the Chamber of Commerce and Boss Shi is elected to be the organizer of the gala.
Yue Xuan goes to an island with Di Wen to pick the lotus seed that Hai Tang has asked for. It is the last item of the 3 things that she has requested. It starts to rain and the lake is getting dangerous. Hai Tang appears to ask Yue Xuan to stop. She tells him that she won’t forgive him no matter what he does and the lotus seed is not what she wants. Yue Xuan ends up with a fever after the trip which makes Hai Tang feels a little guilty. Qing Qing picks a fight with Xia He at school over Yue Xuan’s illness which is caused by Hai Tang.
Yue Ming is not in the mood to celebrate his birthday with his family. But he finally allows Hai Tang to take a look at his face. Hai Tang tries to heal the scarring. Mo Hua comes by to visit Yue Xuan since he is sick. She enters his bedroom but he pretends to have a headache and asks her to leave. Miao Lan ushers her out. Mo Hua tells Miao Lan that they should be friends and to inform her about news on Yue Xuan.
Episode 14
Qing Qing scares Hai Tang again at night. Yue Ming gets angry and scolds her. Miao Lan tells on Hai Tang to Mrs. Lang about Qing Qing getting scolded by Yue Ming because of Hai Tang. Furthermore, it all starts with Hai Tang asking Yue Xuan to pick her some lotus seeds. Hai Tang is also trying to heal Yue Ming’s face with some ointment. This angers Mrs. Lang. She demands that Hai Tang stops experimenting with his son’s face. Hai Tang challenges Mrs. Lang to give her the divorce she wants if she can successfully heal Yue Ming’s scars.
Boss Shi wants Boss Lang to bring Yue Ming for the Flower God prayers. It is a trap as a refusal would seem an offense to the God while asking a scarred Yue Ming to show up will affect the family business. Boss Lang quarrels with his wife over it as he wants Yue Ming to stop hiding himself. On the other hand, Mrs. Lang doesn’t want Yue Ming to be a laughing stock. However, Yue Ming decides to go with Hai Tang’s encouragement.
Hai Tang uses her make-up skills and products to conceal Yue Ming’s scar. However, during the prayers, Boss Shi’s devious scheme causes Yue Ming’s make-up to melt and his scar is exposed. Lang Li Chun’s business suffers as a result. Mrs. Lang also orders for Hai Tang to be beaten for causing embarrassment to Yue Ming. Her 2 sons rush over to stop the beating. Yue Xuan claims that he is the one who encouraged Yue Ming to go to the gala and beats himself as punishment on Hai Tang’s behalf.
Episode 15
Miao Lan asks Yue Xuan not to hate her for not helping Hai Tang in front of his mother. Yue Xuan says that he understands her predicament. Boss Lang discusses with Uncle Quan about Hai Tang’s make-up methods which seem very similar to someone they know and this person is Hai Tang’s father.
Hua Ji Li has a big rouge order to fulfill. So, he calls for a bid as suggested by Yue Xuan. Di Wen is forced by his father to get the order from Ji Li. When he goes to see Yue Xuan to ask for his help, he finds a business plan laying on Yue Xuan’s table. During the bidding session, Boss Shi proposes the same plan that Yue Xuan has written up and gets the deal. Di Wen admits to Yue Xuan that he stole his idea and apologizes. Once the deal is signed, Ji Li discovers that Boss Shi’s business plan is actually Yue Xuan’s idea and it is incomplete.
During the family dinner, everyone is unhappy over the loss of the deal. But Hai Tang bravely claims that they should see it as a blessing. She gives her reasons and Boss Lang is impressed with her business acumen. While discussing about Hai Tang after dinner, Mrs. Lang informs her husband about Hai Tang’s insistence on divorce. Boss Lang himself has a cold attitude towards his wife for his own reason. Finally, Mrs. Lang agrees to let Hai Tang get a divorce if she can heal Yue Ming’s scars. But the condition is the divorce should be a secret between the both of them and Yue Ming should not find out. Mrs. Lang also tells Hai Tang that she will asks Yue Xuan to assist her to get the herbs she needs from the workshop.
Episode 16
Hai Tang goes back to the workshop to help out. Mo Hua drops by to see her. She informs Hai Tang that she plans to confess to Yue Xuan her feelings for him. Hai Tang continues to think of a way to heal Yue Ming’s scars. She is trying to research different ingredients that can be added to her existing products to increase the healing efficacy. She also makes a new mask for Yue Ming.
Boss Shi’s deal with Ji Li is facing production problems. The order is too big and his company is having issues with their subcontractors. Hence, Ji Li and Boss Shi have to go back to Boss Lang for help to avoid huge losses. Boss Lang agrees to help them on the condition that Ji Li’s future orders have to be given to Lang Li Chun. Yue Xuan also tells Boss Shi that they should cooperate and help each other in times of trouble.
Mo Hua is planning a big party to confess her feelings for Yue Xuan. She invites him to the party but he doesn’t seem interested to attend. Mo Hua seeks Hai Tang’s help to convince Yue Xuan to accept her. So, Hai Tang goes to talk to Yue Xuan and tells him of Mo Hua’s love for him. However, Yue Xuan only treats Mo Hua like a sister and he doesn’t want to deceive her. He tells Hai Tang so. Hai Tang questions Yue Xuan in return why he can’t deceive Mo Hua but can deceive her then?
Episode 17
Yue Xuan tells Hai Tang that she is different from Mo Hua. But if Hai Tang insists that this is the way to compensate for his mistake, then he will do as she says and accepts Mo Hua’s confession. During the party, Yue Xuan accepts Mo Hu’a offer to be his girlfriend publicly so as not to embarrass her. But privately, he tells her that she will always be his good friend. Later, Yue Xuan tells Hai Tang that he has rejected Mo Hua and that she cannot dictate to him who he loves.
Hai Tang is able to find out more about a rare plant that could possibly help to cure Yue Ming’s scar. She goes to look for it in the mountains and stumbles across a garden with a building. Commander Long takes a liking for Rong Rong whom he meets on the street. His subordinate, Adjutant Hu, pretends that she is his cousin.
Boss Shi hears that his reputation has suffered a setback due to the failed business deal with Ji Li while Boss Lang has gained cooperation from fellow merchants. He suggests to Commander Long to hijack a shipment of raw materials being imported by Lang Li Chun which is urgently needed to fulfill Ji Li’s order. When the goods have been hijacked, Boss Lang is then forced to make a payment to Commander Long to secure it back.
Episode 18
Rong Rong and Adjutant Ho are lovers. But Commander Long wants to take Rong Rong as his mistress. Before Adjutant Ho could tell Commander Long the truth, the commander is already at Rong Rong’s house to propose marriage. Rong Rong has a change of mind and refuses to elope with Adjutant Ho.
Hai Tang goes back to the mountains to try to look for the rare plant. Yue Xuan finds out about it and follows Hai Tang. While trying to retrieve the plant, she slips and falls. Yue Xuan brings her back to his garden in the mountains. When they return to the Lang Mansion at night, Miao Lan sees them together and is jealous. Miao Lan then tells Mo Hua that Yue Xuan and Hai Tang are always seen together. Mo Hua follows Hai Tang to the mountains and sees her with Yue Xuan. They are taking care of the rare plant and hoping for it to bloom to provide a cure for Yue Ming. Mo Hua raises a fuss and slaps Hai Tang. She accuses Hai Tang of snatching away Yue Xuan and lying to her.
Yue Xuan blames himself for causing Hai Tang so much misery and apologizes. But to Hai Tang, all the apologies will not make a difference to what has happened. She asks Yue Xuan to leave her alone. As she cries alone, her tears drops onto the plant and it blooms. Yue Xuan vows to himself to help Hai Tang to do what she wants. He realizes that he cannot repay his brother by sacrificing Hai Tang’s happiness. It will only cause pain to both of them. With the rare flower, Hai Tang comes up with the lotion to heal Yue Ming’s scars.
Episode 19
Mo Hua is not happy that her father wants to marry Rong Rong. On top of that, Rong Rong wants Hai Tang to do her make-up on her wedding day. A distressed Mo Hua is asked by her father to seek Hai Tang’s help. Mo Hua apologizes to Hai Tang and complains to her about Rong Rong who will soon be her father’s mistress.
Boss Shi orders Xin Qiao to put a powder in Hai Tang’s make-up suitcase so that Rong Rong will be ill after using it due to allergies. This will anger Commander Long who will then blame Hai Tang. Boss Shi is afraid that if Hai Tang’s lotion to heal Yue Ming’s scar is successful, his own business will always trail behind Lang Li Chun. But Xin Qiao is unable to drop the powder into Hai Tang’s suitcase. Instead, she passes the powder to Mo Hua. She suggests that Mo Hua uses it on Rong Rong as the powder will result in rashes and it will be fitting revenge.
Yue Ming’s face is still not cured. Miao Lan overhears Hai Tang and Mrs. Lang’s conversation about the divorce. She then hints to Yue Ming that Hai Tang might be working hard to cure him to gain her freedom. Miao Lan wants Hai Tang to remain with Yue Ming for her own selfish reasons. When Rong Rong drops by Lang Mansion for a test make-up session, she is full of airs. Qing Qing picks up a quarrel with her but is scolded by her mother instead. Miao Lan gives the angry Qing Qing ideas about drugging Rong Rong on her wedding day like the way she has spiked Hai Tang’s drink earlier.
Episode 20
Hai Tang discovers that Yue Ming has been wiping off his facial lotion because he is afraid that she will leave him once he is cured. This angers Hai Tang who tells him that sympathy is not love. Yue Ming then has a change of mind. Encouraged by Miao Lan, Qing Qing mixes some powder that can cause drowsiness into Hai Tang’s make-up kit. This cause Rong Rong to become drowsy during the ceremony.
At the same time, Mo Hua also mixes the powder given by Xin Qiao into Hai Tang’s cosmetics. When Rong Rong goes for a touch-up, the powder causes her to fall seriously ill. As a result, Hai Tang is arrested and Lang Li Chun’s business is affected as news begin to swirl that their products are toxic. Boss Lang faces pressure to resign as Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and falls sick. Yue Xuan visits Hai Tang in prison and reassures her that he will save her.
Qing Qing is overcome by guilt and wants to confess her crime but is advised against doing so by Miao Lan. She assumes it is her powder that causes Rong Rong to be sick. In school, she comes to Xia He’s defense when schoolmates accuse his sister of being a murderer. Feeling guilty, Qing Qing tells Xia He what she has done. They then report the matter to Yue Xuan who thinks they should investigate further before taking any action. This angers Xia He who feels that Yue Xuan is protecting Qing Qing at the expense of Hai Tang. Yue Ming tries to see Commander Long about Hai Tang but is beaten up by his soldiers.
Episode 21
Xia He visits Hai Tang in prison. She advises him not to be impulsive and implicates Qing Qing and the Lang family as it would not solve the problem. Hai Tang also asks to see Yue Ming. Mrs. Lang wants Yue Ming to divorce Hai Tang so that they could announce that her doing has nothing do to with the family and Lang Li Chun. Boss Lang doesn’t agree but his options are limited since Commander Long has refused more money from him. Mrs. Lang advises Yue Ming to do it for the sake of the family since Hai Tang has always wanted a divorce anyway. However, Yue Ming sees it as selfish.
Mo Hua refuses to see Yue Xuan which he finds strange. She goes to look for Xin Qiao to demand an explanation. Xin Qiao reminds Mo Hua that she is just as complicit in the whole crime and that Hai Tang has been an obstacle in her quest to obtain Yue Xuan’s affections. When Hai Tang meets Yue Ming, she also tells him to divorce her to save the Lang family. Yue Ming reluctantly writes the divorce letter and passes it to his mother.
Then, Yue Ming surrenders himself to Commander Long and admits to the crime so that Hai Tang can be freed. Yue Ming knows it is Miao Lan who has spiked Hai Tang’s drink earlier and therefore, it should be her that came up with the drowsy powder. But Yue Ming couldn’t report Miao Lan because of Qing Qing’s involvement. So, he took the powder from Miao Lan and surrenders himself instead. Out of prison, Hai Tang and Yue Xuan think of ways to save Yue Ming and who could have access to her make-up suitcase. They think it could be Mo Hua.
Episode 22
Yue Xuan goes to see Mo Hua but she refuses to tell him anything. Xia He and Qing Qing follow Rong Rong’s doctor and sees him visiting a prostitute. This prostitute is then seen visiting the Shi Mansion. By offering the prostitute money, Xia He and Qing Qing find out that she has sold information to Boss Shi about Rong Rong’s allergy. However, they have no proof that Boss Shi is the mastermind of the crime. So, Yue Xuan go to the news agency instead and ask them to print a story of the crime. This story then becomes a heated discussion among the population.
Di Wen is unhappy that his father could be guilty of trying to kill Rong Rong although she manages to recover. To avoid being a suspect because of the news story, Boss Shi gets someone to take the blame for Rong Rong’s poisoning. As a result, Yue Ming is then freed. Hai Tang thanks him for sacrificing himself to save her. But she also tells him that all they could ever be are good friends.
Due to the poisoning incident, Lang Li Chun’s reputation is affected. To recoup lost business and salvage their reputation, Yue Xuan and Hai Tang think that curing Yue Ming’s face would be the solution. They convince him to do it publicly to get market attention for Lang Li Chun’s scar removal lotion. He agrees. So, Yue Xuan sets up a publicity event to let people see Yue Ming’s face and then having Hai Tang applying the lotion to his scars. Commander Long also comes by for the event to greet Boss Lang to put the poisoning incident behind them.
Episode 23
Mo Hua feels awkward because she doesn’t know how to face Yue Xuan and Hai Tang. Yue Xuan seems to be indifferent towards her while she can’t treat Hai Tang as her best friend because she wants Yue Xuan for herself. So, Mo Hua arranges for a meeting among the 3 of them. But Mo Hua is kidnapped by Adjutant Ho near their meeting place. Adjutant Ho is being hunted by Commander Long because he is caught sleeping with Rong Rong.
Yue Xuan and Hai Tang try to save Mo Hua but all 3 of them end up being kidnapped. In the end, while Commander Long is negotiating with Adjutant Ho to release her daughter, Yue Xuan appears and knocks Adjutant Ho down. Both Mo Hua and Hai Tang are saved while Rong Rong is shot to death and Adjutant Ho falls down a cliff and dies. During a meal to thank Yue Xuan and Hai Tang for saving Mo Hua, Commander Long again hints to Yue Xuan about marrying his daughter. Yue Xuan again says that Mo Hua is like a sister to him.
Yue Ming’s face is finally healed. His scars are gone which helps to increase Lang Li Chun’s reputation. Hai Tang gets her divorce letter as promised. Boss Lang tries to get Hai Tang to stay at Lang Li Chun but she politely turns him down. Yue Ming decides to let her go because he wants to pursue her again through proper means. He knows Yue Xuan is also in love with Hai Tang. When he agrees to cure his face publicly, he also made an agreement with Yue Xuan that they should compete for her affections fairly after he is healed.
Episode 24
Lang Li Chun’s business picks up again after Yue Ming’s face is cured while Boss Shi decides to lay low for now. Xin Qiao is promoted to be the team leader in Lang Li Chun’s workshop. Yue Xuan asks Hai Tang to reconsider her decision to quit her job since she has such talent in the beauty business. So, Hai Tang ends up working at Lang Li Chun again but tries to avoid Yue Xuan as much as possible.
Yue Ming seeks Mo Hua’s help to woo Hai Tang. Mo Hua sees it as an opportunity to prevent Hai Tang and Yue Xuan from being together. Thus, she willingly helps Yue Ming. Miao Lan hints to Mrs. Lang that both Yue Ming and Yue Xuan could be pursuing Hai Tang which might lead to a scandal. Yue Xuan also admits to Hai Tang that he has feelings for her.
The Peach Blossom Festival is approaching and Yue Ming wants to be in-charge of the family’s float. He wants Hai Tang to be the fairy on the float as he is thinking of using the occasion to confess his feelings. But Hai Tang rejects him with reasons why she is not a suitable choice. Instead, Hai Tang recommends Yue Ming to approach Mo Hua. When Mrs. Lang also suggests Mo Hua to be the fairy, Yue Ming realizes the Hai Tang is right as a man needs to balance what he can have with what he needs to give up.
Episode 25
Boss Shi wants Di Wen to try to pursue Mo Hua. So, Di Wen invites Mo Hua to be the fairy for the Shi family’s float. Unfortunately, Mo Hua has agreed to be the fairy for the Lang family. However, Hai Tang ends up as the fairy for the float on that day because Mo Hua is afraid of heights and unable to climb up to the top of the float. When the men carrying the float stumbles during the procession, Yue Xuan climbs up to grab Hai Tang which causes Mo Hua to be jealous.
Xia He and Qing Qing are starting to like each other. Miao Lan is also jealous when the brothers insist that Hai Tang carries the family’s lantern despite her status of being a divorcee during the procession to the temple. At the temple, a surging crowd causes Hai Tang to stumble and the lantern that she is carrying gets burnt. Yue Xuan rushes forward to protect her. As Hai Tang readjusts the memorial tablets that have fallen when she stumbled, she notices one with her father’s name. She goes back to tell Xia He that they must find out who prepared the tablet.
Mrs. Lang is unhappy that Yue Ming has not given up on Hai Tang. She suggests to Boss Lang that they should get Yue Ming to help out at Lang Li Chun. Master Shang tells Boss Lang that the brothers may end up as rivals if they work together and there is also Yue Xuan’s identity to worry about. But Boss Lang is confident of the close relationship between the brothers. Commander Long’s mistress is pregnant and he is afraid to break the news to Mo Hua.
Episode 26
Mo Hua’s stepmother, Hong Xiu, pleads with Mo Hua to allow her to keep the baby. At first, Mo Hua refuses but relents later when she realizes having a sibling has its advantages. Yue Ming starts to learn how to run the family business with the help of Yue Xuan. The latter is happy that Yue Ming is finally getting involved in the company. Both of them are also still pursuing Hai Tang but she doesn’t show them any interest.
Yue Xuan informs his father about his agreement with Yue Ming with regards to winning Hai Tang’s affections. Boss Lang seems to have his own worries over Yue Xuan’s identity. Hai Tang and Xia He take turns to keep an eye on who might come to make offerings to their late father at the temple. But no one turns up. Mrs. Lang learns that Hai Tang is the one carrying the family’s lantern during the Peach Blossom Festival and gets angry. Miao Lan adds fuel to fire by laying all the blame on Hai Tang. Mrs. Lang is also trying to pair up Yue Ming with Mo Hua but both of them are not interested.
Yue Ming wants to change the packaging supplier to cut costs for the company. He tells Master Shang to keep it a secret first. But the inferior packaging causes contents to leak. Yue Xuan finds out about it when a customer complains and wants to raise the matter with Yue Ming.
Episode 27
Yue Xuan tells Yue Ming that they cannot compromise on quality to make profits. Boss Lang reprimands Yue Ming for it. Yue Xuan asks Hai Tang to talk to an unhappy Yue Ming and she cheers him up. Yue Ming comes up with an idea to make posters to promote Lang Li Chun’s products. He wants Hai Tang to be the model but she is too reserved for the task. Mo Hua is interested to take on the job and she ends up being Lang Li Chun’s poster girl.
To get close to Yue Xuan, Mo Hua keeps dropping by the Lang Mansion to worm her way into Mrs. Lang’s heart. However, Mrs. Lang prefers to pair Mo Hua with Yue Ming. Mo Hua also finds out that Miao Lan has feelings for Yue Xuan. She tells Miao Lan to stay away from Yue Xuan given her status as his sister-in-law. Hai Tang sees Boss Lang praying at the temple. She is suspicious of Boss Lang’s relationship with her father.
The International Rouge Fair is coming and the next Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce shall be the award winner of this fair. Yue Xuan’s new swan goose rouge product is still not ready to be introduced due to a dangerous ingredient that could cause miscarriage and Yue Ming is a little unhappy over it. Xin Qiao tells Boss Shi about it. Instead of a new product, Yue Xuan and Hai Tang decide to tweak and repackage an existing product while Yue Ming and Mo Hua are in charge of the promotion for the fair.
Episode 28
During the rouge fair, Boss Shi’s company introduces the swan goose rouge that belongs to Lang Li Chun to the customers. The formula is obviously stolen which means the Lang family is now aware that there is a mole in their midst. Boss Lang confronts Boss Shi about it. Boss Shi says that he wishes to see Boss Lang’s family disintegrate. He also continues to force Xin Qiao to work with him to bring down the Lang family.
As Yue Ming questions everyone in the workshop, Xin Qiao raises suspicions about Yue Xuan to him. To make matters worse, the superstitious Mrs. Lang listens to Miao Lan’s suggestion to hire a medium to ward off evil in the family. The medium suggests that some workers in the workshop need to be sacked and this includes Hai Tang. This causes disagreement between Mrs. Lang and Yue Xuan when he comes to Hai Tang’s defense.
Di Wen invites Yue Xuan to meet his father. Yue Ming overhears their conversation and informs Boss Lang that Yue Xuan might be the mole. They tail Yue Xuan to the meeting with Boss Shi and assumes that Yue Xuan is the mole. Yue Xuan pleads innocent but the family doesn’t believe him. When Hai Tang offers to take some of the punishment on Yue Xuan’s behalf since she is also in the know about the formula, Yue Xuan suddenly admits to the accusation. Boss Lang is devastated. He recalls Boss Shi forcing him to adopt Yue Xuan as a boy in exchange for keeping quiet over Mrs. Lang’s killing of his wife. Boss Shi has Mrs. Lang’s hairpin as proof and now Yue Xuan would be his pawn in his battle with Boss Lang.
Episode 29
Boss Lang is unsure if perhaps he has punished Yue Xuan too severely. Yue Xuan is related to the Shi family. But he cannot remember his past due to head injuries when Boss Lang took him in. Boss Lang and Uncle Quan have kept it a secret from everyone in the family. With Yue Xuan being punished, he hopes that it will be easier to unearth the real mole as she will let down her guard. Hai Tang tries to get Yue Ming to cooperate with her to prove Yue Xuan’s innocence but Yue Ming still believes that his brother is guilty. He is also not too happy about Hai Tang’s deep concern for Yue Xuan.
Mrs. Lang does not like Hai Tang’s frequent visits to the Lang Mansion to check on Yue Xuan. She gives Hai Tang 3 days to find out the mole. Hai Tang concludes that only 2 other people could be the mole due to their knowledge about the formula. They are Master Shang and Xin Qiao. She tails Master Shang but finds out that Master Shang suspects Xin Qiao instead. Xia He and Qing Qing also hunt for the mole and follows Di Wen who meets up with Fan Zhen. But it turns out that Fan Zhen is merely trying to express her feelings for Di Wen. Commander Long’s mistress, Hong Xiu, who is pregnant uses the swan goose rouge from Shi Hang Lu.
Master Shang talks to Boss Lang to cooperate to flush out the mole by going along with Hai Tang’s plan. The plan causes Xin Qiao to panic. Hai Tang and Yue Ming tail her to a meeting with Boss Shi.
Episode 30
Xin Qiao is worried that she will be caught. Boss Shi asks Xin Qiao not to see him for the time being. Mrs. Lang catches Miao Lan clutching Yue Xuan’s hand while he is asleep. She slaps Miao Lan and reprimands her. Yue Xuan tells his mother not to be angry with Miao Lan as he has mistaken her for Hai Tang while he was asleep. He also plans to take time away from home and the family business but promises Boss Lang that he will return to help Yue Ming when needed. Yue Xuan feels that Yue Ming should be given the chance to prove himself in the company.
Hong Xiu suffers a miscarriage because of Shi Hang Lu’s product. Commander Long is very angry and orders Boss Shi to be arrested. Di Wen begs Yue Xuan to help him to save his father. Boss Lang praises Yue Xuan’s decision not to launch the defective product that has now caused problems for Boss Shi to Yue Ming. Yue Xuan tries to get Boss Lang to help Boss Shi but is turned down. But he agrees to help later when Boss Shi sends him a letter to remind him of the past. So, Boss Lang goes to plead with Commander Long on Boss Shi’s behalf.
After Boss Shi is freed, he orders Xin Qiao to put an explosive in Lang Li Chun’s lab. He thinks the defective product was a set-up by Boss Lang. Hai Tang is uneasy that they still have no solid proof on Xin Qiao. She goes to see Yue Xuan who has secluded himself in the mountains to research on an alternative ingredient for the company’s swan goose rouge. Hai Tang wrongly assumes that Yue Xuan has been lazing around.
Episode 31
When Hai Tang works at the lab, an explosion occurs due to Xin Qiao’s doing. Yue Xuan saves Hai Tang. Yue Ming is angry and blames Yue Xuan for putting Hai Tang in danger. Hai Tang and Yue Xuan work together and manage to replace the dangerous ingredient for their rouge. Then, they set a trap for Xin Qiao who tries to get her hands on the formula and is caught. Hai Tang takes pity on her. Yue Xuan agrees that they should let her go because of Boss Shi’s threats on her father but Yue Ming orders her to get out of the city.
Hai Tang is promoted to be team leader. Boss Lang is elected as the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce. He offers Boss Shi money to buy back Mrs. Lang’s hairpin but is turned down. On Hai Tang’s birthday, Yue Xuan learns that she has given up celebrating ever since her father left the family on that day. Hai Tang takes Yue Xuan to the temple and asks him if he knows Yan Zhi because she has seen Boss Lang praying in front of her tablet. Both Yan Zhi and her father died on the same day.
Yue Xuan asks his father while Hai Tang questions Master Shang about Yan Zhi. She was a maid in the Lang household and a good friend of Master Shang. Boss Lang and Yan Zhi had feelings for each other. But after his marriage to Mrs. Lang, Yan Zhi was driven out and unhappily ended up marrying Boss Shi. She died later but both Boss Lang and Master Shang are unwilling to divulge more. Yue Ming receives news that their materials could not be unloaded at the port as the docks are busy. Boss Shi offers to help him.
Episode 32
Yue Ming accepts Boss Shi’s help but keeps it a secret. Boss Shi plans to make use of Yue Ming as a pawn now that Xin Qiao has left. Yue Xuan helps Hai Tang to look for clues about Yan Zhi. But they couldn’t find any news about her. Xin Qiao tries to get Boss Shi to give her some money to leave the city but he refuses. Hence, she looks for Mo Hua and extorts her for money by reminding her about Rong Rong’s case. Mo Hua brings the money to the train station the next day. Hai Tang is also there for the same reason as she pities Xin Qiao. That is when she overhears Mo Hua and Xin Qiao’s conversation about Mo Hua’s complicity in the Rong Rong case.
Hai Tang confronts Mo Hua. Mo Hua says that she hates Hai Tang because of Yue Xuan and that they are no longer friends. As such, Hai Tang no longer has to consider Mo Hua’s friendship in her relationship with Yue Xuan. Yue Ming proposes to Hai Tang but she rejects him. She admits to Yue Ming that she loves Yue Xuan. Hai Tang is moved when she reads Yue Xuan’s notebook that is full of his love messages for her. They finally become a couple and share a kiss.
Yue Xuan brings Hai Tang back for his family dinner to celebrate the success of their new product. Boss Lang praises Yue Xuan and thanks Hai Tang for their efforts. He also wants them to continue to work together. But Yue Ming is not too happy.
Episode 33
Yue Xuan announces at the family dinner that Hai Tang is now his girlfriend. However, Mrs. Lang doesn’t approve of their relationship. Mo Hua is also not happy and hates Hai Tang for it. Miao Lan keeps stoking the fire and speaks ill of Hai Tang to Mrs. Lang at every opportunity. Mrs. Lang asks Miao Lan to keep an eye on Hai Tang and hopes to remove her from the family. Yue Xuan assures Hai Tang that he can balance between love and family. He also promises to help Hai Tang to investigate his father’s death.
Fan Zhen meets Di Wen for a chat in a cafe. Boss Shi notices her and gets his butler to request for a meeting. Di Wen is still trying to woo Mo Hua but she isn’t interested. Yue Xuan and Hai Tang manage to come up with fragrance sachets as their new product. It is a success. Yue Xuan wants to concentrate on research and development in the company but Boss Lang still thinks Yue Ming has a lot to learn from his younger brother. This causes Yue Ming to feel increasingly jealous of Yue Xuan’s ability and success.
While Lang Li Chun’s business keeps getting better, Shi Hang Lu is facing rough times. But Boss Shi suddenly receives an anonymous letter that makes him smile. A large order for the fragrance sachets comes in for Lang Li Chun and they work hard to fulfill it. When it is done, the Lang family get together for dinner to celebrate. Yue Xuan tries to get his mother’s blessing for his relationship with Hai Tang again but is rejected.
Episode 34
Boss Shi meets Fan Zhen. He asks her to cooperate with him and in exchange, he will allow her to marry Di Wen. Fan Zhen turns him down and decides to just remain friends with Di Wen. Boss Shi again pressures Di Wen to pursue Mo Hua. Although Di Wen likes Mo Hua, his father’s coercion is making him to have second thoughts. Boss Shi sends off an anonymous letter to the news agency to tip them off about Lang Li Chun’s fragrance sachets. The newspaper then carries a story that the sachet’s idea comes from the forbidden love between Yue Xuan and his sister-in-law, Miao Lan. The details in the story are known only to a few in the family, including Hai Tang.
As a result, the large order is rejected by the buyer and other customers too demand a refund. Mo Hua is angry as her image is affected by being the poster girl for Lang Li Chun. She is also concerned about Yue Xuan and suggests a press conference to explain the matter. When Yue Xuan seems defensive of Hai Tang when she opposes the press conference idea, Mo Hua gets even more irritated. Yue Ming advises her to calm down as she will stand to gain from the scandal in her pursuit of Yue Xuan.
Yue Xuan plans to hold a press conference and get Miao Lan to explain her story. When he wants to discuss with Boss Lang about it, Yue Ming says there is no need to trouble their father. But during the press conference, Miao Lan accuses Hai Tang of being the one who leaked the story. The scandal becomes worse and Boss Lang is angry at Yue Xuan while Mrs. Lang is agreeable to Miao Lan’s actions to accuse Hai Tang.
Episode 35
Yue Xuan plans to seek out Hua Ji Li to sell the fragrance sachets abroad. He travels outstation with Di Wen for this purpose. While he is gone, Hai Tang is fired from Lang Li Chun. Miao Lan comes by to give the order which is said to come from Mrs. Lang with the blessing of Boss Lang. Hai Tang asks Miao Lan about her accusations during the press conference. Miao Lan replies that she wants to ruin Hai Tang’s life for taking all the attention away from her in the Lang household. Furthermore, Miao Lan thinks that the sachets is her idea and she hates Hai Tang for taking the credit.
Yue Ming warns Miao Lan not to further harm Hai Tang. But Miao Lan returns the warning that she knows it is Yue Ming who leaked the story because Yue Xuan and Hai Tang wouldn’t do so. Yue Xuan manages to secure a buyer through Hua Ji Li. However, Hua Ji Li didn’t turn up as promised to sign the contract. This causes Lang Li Chun to be short of working capital and Boss Lang is angry at Yue Xuan for being too trusting and careless.
Di Wen sees Yue Ming meeting with his father late at night. Yue Ming suggests to Boss Lang to sell the fragrance sachets to other companies at a discount so that they can repackage and sell. Boss Lang agrees to let Yue Ming handle the matter. Yue Xuan is not happy with the decision but accepts it. Yue Ming asks Yue Xuan to take a break as he might be too tired after handling so many matters.
Episode 36
Mrs. Lang is not happy that Yue Xuan is always occupied with Hai Tang. Di Wen tries to ask his father about his grudge with the Lang family but gets no specific answers. Fan Zhen asks Hai Tang to do make-up for a relative who is getting married. She suggests to Hai Tang to open a beauty school and become an instructor since she has the talent. Yue Xuan agrees but Hai Tang is still hesitant as she lacks experience. Yue Ming also voices his support for Hai Tang and pledge to help her.
Mrs. Lang feels that her husband is bias towards Yue Xuan compared to Yue Ming. Boss Lang disagrees and says both of their sons are still not ready to take over the business completely. Yue Xuan tells his father to let Yue Ming manage the workshop as he is doing a good job. He is still seeing Hai Tang and he plans to come up with a new venture with her. Mrs. Lang overhears the conversation and is not happy that Yue Xuan’s relationship with Hai Tang is getting closer and closer.
Yue Xuan goes to the nightclub with Yue Ming tailing him. The next day, Yue Ming tells Hai Tang what Yue Xuan has been up to. But Yue Xuan then explains to Hai Tang that he is trying to get students for her and she trusts him. Yue Xuan feels that his brother is angry with him because of Hai Tang and speaks of his unhappiness to Di Wen. Di Wen then tries to warn Yue Xuan that Yue Ming has changed. Mrs. Lang gets Mo Hua over to the house and convinces her to try to break up Yue Xuan and Hai Tang.
Episode 37
Yue Ming complains to Boss Shi that his father does not think highly of him. Boss Shi influences Yue Ming not to under-estimate himself but to aim high. He also tells Yue Ming to treat him as a business partner. Yue Xuan sees Yue Ming coming out from the Shi Mansion when he sends Di Wen home. Feeling unhappy, he goes to see Hai Tang and relates to her all his problems. Yue Ming witnesses Yue Xuan and Hai Tang kissing when he turns up. To pursue Hai Tang, Yue Ming offers her a villa to conduct her beauty school. Hai Tang accepts.
Yue Xuan starts to suspect that Yue Ming is involved in the scandal involving their fragrance sachets. He warns Hai Tang about it but she is not convinced. Miao Lan overhears their conversation and warns Yue Ming. But Yue Ming is unfazed as Yue Xuan does not have proof. A neighbor died and Hai Tang’s mother helps with the make-up for the deceased. Mrs. Lang who is there to see a doctor notices Yue Xuan helping with the funeral. She is livid and tells Yue Xuan to break off with Hai Tang as doing make-up for the dead will tanish Lang Li Chun’s reputation.
Miao Lan secretly gets reporters to do a write-up about Hai Tang’s family helping to do make-up for their dead neighbor. The news report further incensed Mrs. Lang. When Mo Hua drops by, Mrs. Lang complains to her about Hai Tang. Mo Hua promises to handle the matter for her.
Episode 38
Hai Tang’s beauty school manages to attract a lot of students. But Mo Hua pays off people to make a fuss in her school that her family is involved in applying make-up for the dead. Yue Ming hears about it from Miao Lan. He purposely waits until the mob becomes angry and then appears to save Hai Tang. Hai Tang is grateful to him for helping out. When Yue Xuan rushes to the beauty school, he sees Mo Hua’s car. Yue Xuan wants Hai Tang to switch venue for safety reasons but Yue Ming disagrees. Hai Tang prefers to consider things first before making a decision.
Boss Lang agrees to let Yue Ming handle the raw materials supply for the company. But Yue Ming feels that his father still doesn’t trust him completely. Mrs. Lang still thinks that her husband prefers Yue Xuan than Yue Ming. But Boss Lang is just being cautious as Yue Ming still lacks self-confidence due to the past. Reporters are trying to harass Hai Tang about her background but Yue Xuan tells them to question him instead as he leads them away.
Hai Tang’s mother keeps wavering between living in the past and the present. She still asks when her husband will return home. Mrs. Lang is angry at both her sons for helping Hai Tang with the beauty school. Boss Lang drops by and asks Yue Xuan to explain his persistent love for Hai Tang. Yue Xuan assures them that Hai Tang means well for the Lang family and that they should cooperate as she can help them with their product development.
Episode 39
Boss Lang is willing to listen to Yue Xuan’s idea as he feels that business should be kept separate from personal matters. Mrs. Lang is not happy but Yue Ming tells her that what he is doing is to break-up Yue Xuan and Hai Tang. Once his plan is successful, then he will not pay any more attention to Hai Tang. Boss Shi suspects that Hai Tang’s father is Gu Shun Qi who did the make-up for Yan Zhi when she died. Mo Hua continues to encourage Yue Ming to pursue Hai Tang at all costs and pledges to help him as she wants Yue Xuan for herself.
Commander Long again asks Boss Lang and Boss Shi for money to keep the city safe. Boss Lang response is that he will double whatever amount Boss Shi contributes. Yue Xuan confronts Mo Hua about her role in causing trouble for Hai Tang at the beauty school. She denies her involvement but gets chided by Yue Xuan. Feeling miserable, she seeks out Di Wen to cheer her up. Yue Ming wants to see the company’s ledgers but Boss Lang has laid down an order that only himself, Yue Xuan, and Uncle Yang can have access to it. This causes Yue Ming to quarrel with Yue Xuan over it. When Yue Xuan tries to settle their differences, Yue Ming’s attitude is cold and bitter.
Their quarrel reaches Boss Lang’s ears. He tells both of the brothers to work together. Boss Lang is also not impressed with Yue Ming’s shallow knowledge of warehouse matters. When he has been dismissed, Yue Ming quietly goes back to eavesdrop on his father’s conversation with Yue Xuan. He is jealous when Boss Lang seems patient and gives tips to Yue Xuan on his new product idea.
Episode 40
Boss Shi’s driver mentions about Hai Tang’s family to him. This reminds Boss Shi that Shun Qi was the make-up specialist whom he wanted to cooperate with in the past. But Shun Qi rejected his offer. Boss Shi then used threats to force Shun Qi to cooperate. To bring down Boss Lang, Boss Shi takes a gamble and contributes to Commander Long a huge sum of money.
Hai Tang and Fan Zhen sets up a stand to sell their make-up lessons. Mrs. Lang passes by with Miao Lan and accuse them of swindling money off customers. A quarrel ensues. When Mrs. Lang turns to leave, Miao Lan purposely steps on her skirt which causes her to fall. Miao Lan then blames Hai Tang for it. Mrs. Lang refuses to accept Hai Tang’s apology. She tries to ask Boss Lang to force Hai Tang out of the city. At the same time, Mrs. Lang also realizes that the person who caused her to fall is Miao Lan and tells her so.
Both Yue Ming and Miao Lan are aware of each other’s evil intentions. They are grudgingly tolerating and making use of each other for their own selfish purposes. Miao Lan also secretly hates Mrs. Lang for how she has been treated over the years. Hai Tang is facing demands for refunds for her beauty class. Despite the setback, she ploughs ahead with Fan Zhen. Boss Lang has to contribute twice the sum of money that Boss Shi has given to Commander Long. The commander also asks Boss Lang to agree to a marriage between Yue Xuan and Mo Hua.
Episode 41
Yue Xuan tells Boss Lang that he is sure that Hai Tang is the one for him. Mrs. Lang suggests that they should match Yue Xuan with Mo Hua to strengthen their position but Boss Lang feels that they should respect Yue Xuan’s feelings. Yue Xuan informs Hai Tang that his father is agreeable for them to produce their new edible lipstick as sample. Hai Tang tries to get her former students to come to work for her but Yue Ming circumvents it by offering them jobs at Lang Li Chun.
Yue Ming advises Mo Hua that she will need to do something out of the ordinary to get Yue Xuan. They are plotting to break-up Yue Xuan and Hai Tang for their own selfish reasons. Boss Shi wants Di Wen to keep pursuing Mo Hua although Di Wen says that they are just friends. To confirm his suspicions, Boss Shi is also hiring an investigator to dig up information on Hai Tang’s parents. Mrs. Lang happens to overhear part of a conversation between Yue Ming and Miao Lan. They are discussing about what they desire which makes Mrs. Lang angry at Miao Lan for having unclean thoughts. She slaps Miao Lan and tells her to behave.
Yue Xuan transfer some goods out of the warehouse to be used for his new product. Yue Ming raises a fuss but his brother explains that he has obtained permission from their father. This makes Yue Ming even angrier. When Boss Lang appears, he tells Yue Ming that he has told Yue Xuan to do so. Boss Lang advises Yue Ming not to be so narrow-minded and revengeful against Yue Xuan.
Episode 42
The man hired by Boss Shi pretends that he needs the services of Hai Tang’s mother to do make-up for his deceased master. They have not agreed but Hai Tang’s mother is keen to help. Boss Lang agrees to let Yue Xuan produce the new lipstick at lang Li Chun’s workshop. He also talks to Yue Ming and explains that he favors no one. All he does is for the good of the Lang family.
Hai Tang’s edible lipstick has to use pure vegetable oil as an ingredient but it can get mixed up easily with other fats. Yue Ming finds this out through Chu Chu, a worker who has betrayed Hai Tang previously. He then goes back to the warehouse late at night. Yue Ming also pretends to be a good brother when Yue Xuan looks for him. Boss Lang wants Yue Xuan to go with him to see Commander Long and do his part to keep Mo Hua happy. Mrs. Lang also keeps pressuring her husband to pair Yue Xuan and Mo Hua together. However, Yue Xuan couldn’t stand Mo Hua’s denial of her involvement in Hai Tang’s beauty school case and quarrels with her.
The buyer is rushing Boss Lang for the new lipstick sample. Boss Lang instructs Yue Xuan to make sure everything is in order. The first batch is completed to be shipped out. An unhappy Mo Hua looks for Di Wen after quarreling with Yue Xuan and spends time at the Shi Mansion.
Episode 43
Hai Tang and her mother are tricked by the man hired by Boss Shi to do make-up for his father. The intention is to obtain a sample of the Gu family’s facial cream so that Boss Shi could check it for the ingredients. Hai Tang’s father is killed by Boss Shi in order to obtain his notebook that contains the recipes for the facial cream. However, a page is missing and Boss Shi needs Hai Tang’s help to produce the cream. Hai Tang’s mother could only recall part of the ingredients.
Di Wen is bashed by his father for failing to be proactive in pursuing Mo Hua. Commander Long wants to help his daughter to marry Yue Xuan but Mo Hua doesn’t think it is a good idea. Di Wen comes by to visit Mo Hua and expresses his feelings for her. Although Mo Hua rejects him, she still sees Di Wen as someone she could trust and have fun with. Mo Hua also tries to learn to let go of her feelings for Yue Xuan.
Yue Xuan and Hai Tang’s new lipstick helps Lang Li Chun to secure a big order. With so much money having been contributed to Commander Long and business has not been particularly good, Lang Li Chun needs the money to ward off any attacks by Boss Shi. Yue Ming pretends he will cooperate with Yue Xuan to fulfill the order. But he then quietly rejects delivery of the raw materials by paying off the deliverymen and tampers with the ingredients.
Episode 44
Hai Tang is checking the ingredients before they commence production but Xia He rushes over to say that their mother is being harassed by reporters. The story of her mother doing make-up for the dead is again the subject of interest. Yue Xuan helps her to shoo away the reporters from her home. The Lang family’s name is implicated again due to Hai Tang and Mrs. Lang is furious with her. Yue Xuan brings Hai Tang home to apologize to his mother but the apology is rejected. However, Yue Xuan is defensive of Hai Tang which causes him to quarrel with his mother. Hai Tang also promises to leave Lang Li Chun.
Mrs. Lang sees a voodoo doll in Miao Lan’s room and is shocked by her viciousness. After thinking of how she has treated Miao Lan and Yue Xuan, she begins to reconsider her attitude. Mrs. Lang loves Yue Xuan although he is not her biological son. She asks Yue Ming to look for his brother who has not been home after quarreling with her over Hai Tang. Yue Ming is unhappy that his mother is soft towards Yue Xuan.
Yue Ming pays off Chu Chu for helping with the tampering of the ingredients. The lipsticks are now ready to be shipped. Hai Tang’s mother falls sick and has to be admitted to the hospital. Boss Shi pays for the bill and Hai Tang is brought to meet him. He misleads Hai Tang by saying that her father is killed by Boss Lang in order to obtain the recipe for the facial cream. Yue Xuan goes to look for Hai Tang but couldn’t find her anywhere.
Episode 45
Miao Lan pretends to commit suicide in her room. Mrs. Lang is upset and advises her not to do such a thing. Yue Ming seeks out Di Wen and Mo Hua to look for Yue Xuan. In the car, Yue Ming gets short-tempered and scolds both Di Wen and Mo Hua. Mo Hua is also irritated with Yue Ming. They finally find Yue Xuan in front of Hai Tang’s house. Yue Ming blames Yue Xuan for causing trouble for the family because of Hai Tang.
Commander Long receives news that his ally has lost the war outside of Kunyang City. He needs to raise funds for reinforcements but Boss Lang has no more money to give. Boss Shi suggests to Commander Long that they should cooperate to bring down Lang Li Chun and merge it with his company. Then Commander Long can be a shareholder in the merged company and he would no longer need to beg merchants for funds. Yue Xuan finally finds Hai Tang through Xia He. But Hai Tang tells Yue Xuan that they should stay away from each other by giving the excuse that she is causing troubles for the Lang family.
Boss Shi buys up all the raw materials and then get the supply chain blocked up which causes problems for Lang Li Chun. Then they need to recall their lipsticks when Hai Tang informs Boss Lang that the product is defective after Fan Zhen gives her one as a souvenir. They are now suspicious of Chu Chu as she is missing from work. Yue Xuan finds out what has been happening at Lang Li Chun and goes back to see his brother but gets told off. Yue Ming suggests to Boss Lang that Yue Xuan is the one to blame for the defective lipsticks.
Episode 46
Miao Lan and Yue Ming understands that they will need to cooperate with each other to achieve what they want. She confirms her support for him while he promises not to overlook her interests after he succeeds. Hai Tang switches hospital to treat her mother to avoid Yue Xuan. She tells Xia He that the Lang family was the one that caused their father’s death. Yue Ming goes to Boss Shi to ask for his help in supplying Lang Li Chun with raw materials. But it costs 3 times more than the normal price. Yue Ming than asks Master Shang to halve the materials used in their production.
Yue Xuan finds out from Di Wen that Yue Ming has bought materials from Shi Hang Lu. Boss Lang is furious with Yue Ming. Yue Ming also admits that he tampered with the lipstick production. Boss Lang slaps him. Yue Ming gets angry and blames his father for not trusting him and being bias towards Yue Xuan. Hai Tang starts work in Shi Hang Lu but needs time to re-create her father’s facial cream. Her mother can only remember part of the ingredients needed.
Commander Long and Boss Shi request Boss Lang to make a trip to represent the city to a business conference to get him away from his company. Boss Shi is worried that Hai Tang’s mother might recall who he is. Thus, her home is set on fire which results in the death of her mother. Hai Tang is devastated. Mo Hua tries to offer help and tells her that she is wrong towards her in the past. But Hai Tang says it isn’t necessary.
Episode 47
Boss Lang instructs Yue Ming and Yue Xuan to work together while he is away. But Yue Ming still goes to see Boss Shi for advice. Boss Shi tells him to seize the opportunity to take control of Lang Li Chun while his father is outstation. He also tells Yue Ming that Yue Xuan is actually his father’s biological son with Yan Zhi. Yan Zhi admitted that she was pregnant with Boss Lang’s child when she married Boss Shi. Thus, Yue Xuan would be his rival to inherit Lang Li Chun.
Yue Xuan is arrested for setting fire to Hai Tang’s house. Mo Hua gets him out of jail. Commander Long hints to Mo Hua that change is coming to Kunyang City. Yue Ming keeps blaming Yue Xuan for all the family troubles in front of their mother and their quarrels leave her exhausted. Hai Tang and Xia He bring their mother’s memorial tablet to the front of the Lang Mansion and demands justice. They believe that Yue Xuan is the arsonist and the Lang family is doing it to cover up their father’s death. Miao Lan chases them away by setting off firecrackers at their direction.
Boss Shi continues to mislead Hai Tang about her father’s death. He hits the person he hired for the arson with a hammer when the man drops by to claim his money. Boss Shi then forces Di Wen to finish the job and bury the man. Miao Lan wears red to scare Mrs. Lang outside her room late at night. Mrs. Lang runs to Miao Lan’s room when she gets scared and notices a red garment sticking out from under the blanket.
Episode 48
Yue Xuan secretly goes to Shi Hang Lu’s workshop and takes a sample of their grease. While there, he notices Lang Li Chun’s goods. He goes back to tell his mother what Yue Ming has done but she ignores the problem because the business needs funds. Miao Lan also argues with Yue Xuan that he doesn’t really belong to the Lang family. She is also jealous of Hai Tang being happy with Yue Xuan.
A neighbor tells Hai Tang that he saw a suspicious man loitering outside her house before the fire. Hai Tang also saw Yue Xuan going back to her burnt down house to look for clues. She knows she has wrongly blamed Yue Xuan. They reconcile but plan to continue to lead Boss Shi on. Commander Long urgently requires funds but Boss Shi keeps delaying his request. Mo Hua urges his father to help the Lang family because Boss Shi cannot be trusted. Qing Qing asks Xia He to reconsider their relationship and not break-up with her.
Boss Shi asks Hai Tang to sell him the rights to her father’s facial cream but she doesn’t seem keen. Lang Li Chun’s workers go on strike and Yue Ming seeks more money from Boss Shi. But Boss Shi asks him to get the recipe of the Gu family’s facial cream from Hai Tang first before any help can be rendered. However, Hai Tang rejects Yue Ming’s request to cooperate. Boss Shi is working together with Adjutant Ho, who was presumed dead earlier, to overcome Commander Long. Boss Lang knows the business trip is a trap and tries to make his way home. Mrs. Lang tells Yue Xuan to break up with Hai Tang but he explains that only Hai Tang could save the family.
Episode 49
Hai Tang informs Yue Xuan that Boss Shi wants to buy the formula for the Gu family’s hibiscus facial cream. Yue Xuan goes to his brother’s room to look at the ledgers but gets scolded by him. He tells Yue Ming not to be used by Boss Shi but Yue Ming doesn’t listen. Boss Lang and Uncle Quan are ambushed by Adjutant Ho’s soldiers in the forest on Boss Shi’s orders. Uncle Quan distracts the soldiers to save Boss Lang but is shot to death. He falls off a cliff carrying a scarecrow which makes the soldiers think that Boss Lang has also died.
Miao Lan dresses in red to scare Mrs. Lang again but is discovered. She tells Mrs. Lang to either free her from the Lang family or kill her. Mrs. Lang agrees to let her go. Yue Ming asks for money from his mother to pay the workers. But her mother finds out that he has even mortgaged the house title to Boss Shi. She orders Yue Ming to get back the title deed immediately. But Boss Shi refuses to cooperate which makes Yue Ming realizes that he has been duped.
Mo Hua insists on helping Yue Xuan with his family’s troubles. Hence, Yue Xuan borrows a large sum of money from Mo Hua. However, he makes it clear that the money is not to buy his love and that he treats her as a sister. With the money, he gets his father’s old friend to place an order for the hibiscus facial cream from Boss Shi. But Hai Tang has tricked Boss Shi into assuming that the cream has been perfected. Yue Ming goes to look for Hai Tang but sees her together with Yue Xuan. When Yue Xuan leaves, Yue Ming renders Hai Tang unconscious.
Episode 50
Yue Xuan goes to remind Boss Shi that he needs to compensate him for his inability to deliver a perfect product. Yue Ming ties up Hai Tang in his home. When Yue Xuan arrives, Yue Ming asks him to choose between 2 bottles of liquid and douse one on himself before he will free Hai Tang. But Hai Tang pushes Yue Ming who knocks the bottle out of Yue Xuan’s hand. Yue Xuan pushes Yue Ming out of harm’s way when the bottle falls.
When Boss Lang returns, Yue Ming confronts him about Yue Xuan’s identity. Boss Shi comes to demand that they vacate their residence by the next morning as he has their title deed. He further tells Yue Xuan that Mrs. Lang killed his biological mother. Boss Lang then tells the family and Hai Tang the truth. Yan Zhi is accidentally killed by Mrs. Lang because of jealousy. Boss Shi uses Mrs. Lang’s hairpin to blackmail Boss Lang into bringing up Yue Xuan as his adopted child.
Hai Tang’s father was asked to do Yan Zhi’s make-up. Her face has been badly scarred when she died. Boss Shi is amazed at Gu Shun Qi’s hibiscus cream and killed him for his formula. To Hai Tang, this is a cover-up of her father’s murder while Yue Xuan is uncertain how to face Mrs. Lang who killed his biological mother. Yue Ming wants Boss Lang to will everything to him as he thinks it should have been his from the start. Boss Lang has kept everything a secret to protect his wife while she has been suffering as their marriage has turned loveless because of Yan Zhi’s death. To make up for her guilt, Mrs. Lang proposes that they place Yan Zhi’s memorial tablet in the Lang family’s ancestral hall.
Episode 51
Boss Shi wants Di Wen to kidnap Mo Hua to threaten Commander Long. Di Wen pretends to agree. Yue Xuan dreams of the night of Gu Shun Qi’s murder. The next morning, Hai Tang notices the pendant that Yue Xuan is wearing. It is the same pendant that is meant to be her birthday gift from her father. Inside the pendant is the last page of his formula that has been torn from his notebook.
Boss Lang apologizes to Yue Xuan for hiding the truth from him. He did so because he didn’t want the family to break up. Yue Xuan tells him that he doesn’t know how to face them yet and wants to leave. Hai Tang reminds Yue Xuan that it is Boss Shi who is the real culprit. Yue Xuan goes to warn Commander Long about Boss Shi’s collusion with Adjutant Ho. Di Wen sends a note to Yue Xuan about Mo Hua’s kidnap. He plays along with the kidnap to protect Mo Hua from Adjutant Ho. During the battle with Commander Long, Di Wen saves Mo Hua from Adjutant Ho but is shot.
By the time Yue Xuan arrives with Hai Tang, Di Wen is already dying. He tells Hai Tang that her mother is killed on the orders of Boss Shi. Mo Hua is devastated with Di Wen’s death. As Yue Xuan watches Di Wen dies, he has flashbacks of Boss Shi strangling his biological mother to death. As Gu Shun Qi fled with Yue Xuan from Boss Shi, he gave him the pendant meant for Hai Tang and inserted a note inside it. Yue Xuan then rushes back to the Lang Mansion with a gun just as Boss Shi is getting the family to vacate.
Episode 52
Yue Xuan, Hai Tang, Mo Hua and Commander Long’s soldiers descend on the Lang Mansion. Yue Xuan accuses Boss Shi of killing Yan Zhi. He witnessed the killing when he was a boy and then ran to hide in the cupboard. From his hiding place, he saw Boss Shi hitting Gu Shun Qi until he fainted. Yue Xuan then woke Gu Shun Qi up and told him that Boss Shi had killed his mother. They ran out of the house with Boss Shi in pursuit. Gu Shun Qi gave Yue Xuan the pendant and told him to run before he was slashed to death by Boss Shi. Yue Xuan was then chased by Boss Shi before he fell into the river and lost his memory.
Boss Shi takes Yue Ming as hostage to escape. Yue Xuan and Hai Tang give chase. Hai Tang baits Boss Shi with the formula of the hibiscus cream. The soldiers shoot Boss Shi and he falls to the ground. When Boss Shi tries to shoot Yue Xuan, Hai Tang rushes to protect him and hits her head on the floor. The soldiers shoot Boss Shi to death but Hai Tang faints and ends up in a coma. Boss Lang and his wife repair their relationship as the truth and their feelings are out in the open.
Yue Xuan patiently takes care of Hai Tang for a year. Yue Ming decides to go abroad to learn more about the industry. Mo Hua sends him off. She has let go of her feelings for Yue Xuan and regrets what she has done to Hai Tang. Finally, Hai Tang wakes up. She is touched by Yue Xuan’s words and actions. Not wanting to be separated again, they end up as a married couple.
Images Credit: IJQ TV
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